Adelphi University
Department of History
Garden City, New York 11530
phone: (516) 877-4790
The American University
Department of History
4400 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20016
phone: (202) 885-2401
fax: (202) 885-6166
Baltimore Hebrew University
5800 Park Heights Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21215
phone: (410) 578-6910
fax: (410) 578-6940
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Center for the Study of North American Jewry
Department of History
P.O. Box 653
Beer Sheva 84105 ISRAEL
Brandeis University
Department of Near Eastern and Judaic Studies
415 South Street
Waltham, MA 02254
phone: (617) 736-2950
Brown University
Department of History
Providence, Rhode Island 02912
phone: (401) 863-2131
fax: (401) 863-1040
University of Cincinnati
Judaic Studies Program
Mail Location 169
Clifton Avenue, McMicken Hall
P.O. Box 210169
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0169
phone: (513) 556-2297
fax: (513) 556-0142
Clark Universitry
Department of Jewish Studies
Worcester, MA 01610
phone: (508) 793-7234
fax: (508) 793-8816
Columbia University
Center for Israel and Jewish Studies
Fayerweather Hall
New York, NY 10027
phone: (212) 854-4646
fax: (212) 932-0602
University of Denver
Department of History
2199 South University Boulevard
Denver, CO 80208
phone: (303) 871-2949
fax: (303) 871-2957
Emory University
Graduate Division of Religion
211 Bishops Hall
Atlanta, GA 30322
phone: (404) 727-6333
fax: (404) 727-2915
Florida Atlantic University
777 Glades Road
Boca Raton, FL 33431-0991
phone: (407) 367-3840
fax: (407) 367-2204
George Washington University
Department of Religion
2106 G Street
Washington, DC 20052
phone: (202) 994-6325
fax: (202) 994-9379
University of Hartford
Department of History
200 Bloomfield Avenue
West Hartford, CT 06117
phone: (203) 768-4234
fax: (203) 768-5043
Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute
of Religion
3101 Clifton Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45220
phone: (513) 221-1875
fax: (513) 221-0321
Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute
of Religion
Magnin School of Graduate Studies
3077 University Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90007
phone: (213) 749-3424
fax: (213) 747-6128
Hebrew University
Department of American Studies
Mount Scopus Campus
Jerusalem ISRAEL
Jewish Theological Seminary of America
3080 Broadway
New York, NY 10027
phone: (212) 678-8000
fax (212) 678-8947
John Jay College of Criminal Justice
445 West 59th Street
New York, NY 10019
phone: (212) 237-8627
fax: (212) 237-8901
University of Maryland
Jewish Studies Prgrams
0113 Woods Hall
College Park, MD 20742
phone: (301) 405-4975
fax: (301) 314-8305
State University of New York - Albany
Deaprtment of Judaic Studies
HU 285
Albany, NY 12222
New York University
Skirball Department of Hebrew and Judaic Studies
7 East 12th Street, Room 902
New York, NY 10003-4475
phone: (212) 998-8980
fax: (212) 995-4178
University of Pennsylvania
Department of History
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6379
(215) 898-8452
Princeton University
Department of Religion
Princeton, NJ 08544
Rutgers University
Department of Hebraic Studies
2 Richardson St.
New Brunswick, NJ 08903
phone: 908-932-7459
fax: 908-932-7303
Stanford University
Department of History
Stanford, CA 94395
phone: (415) 723-2651
fax: (415) 725-0597
Swig Judaic Studies Program
University of San Francisco
Cowell Hall, 4th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94117
phone: (415) 422-6148
Syracuse University
Jewish Studies Program
505 Hall of Languages
Syracuse, NY 13244-1170
phone: (315) 443-2210
fax: (315) 443-5390
Tel-Aviv University
Department of Jewish History
Ramat-Aviv 69978
Wellesley College
Department of History
Wellesley, MA 02181
phone: (617) 283-2605
fax: (617) 968-7112
Yale University
Department of Judaic Studies
320 Temple Street
PO Box 208287
New Haven, CT 06520-8287
phone: 432-0843
Yeshiva University
Department of History
500 West 185th Street
New York, NY 10033-3299
phone: (212) 960-5214
Listing provided by:
American Jewish Historical Society.
Copyright (c) 1996-1998
American Jewish Historical Society
All rights reserved
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