Reading List for Ancient Jewish Studies - The Jewish History Resource Center

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Reading List for Ancient Jewish Studies
Project of
The Jewish History Resource Center

Alon, Gedaliah.
Studies in Jewish History, 2 vols.
Tel-Aviv: HaKibbutz HaMeuchad, 1957-58. Hebrew.

Alon, Gedaliah.
Jew, Judaism and the Classical World.
Jerusalem: Magnes, 1977.

Alon, Gedaliah.
The Jews in Their Land in the Talmudic Age, 2 vols.
Jerusalem: Magnes, 1980.

Alon, Gedaliah and Levi, Gershon (Editor).
The Jews in Their Land in the Talmudic Age (70-640 C.E.).
Cambridge: Harvard University Press, March 1989. Reprint Edition.

Avi-Yonah, M.
The Jews of Palestine.
New York: Schocken, 1976.

Barclay, John M. G.
Jews in the Mediterranean Diaspora: From Alexander to Trajan (323 BCE - 117 CE).
Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, June 1996.

Barclay, John M. G.
Jews in the Mediterranean Diaspora: From Alexander to Trajan (323 BCE - 117 CE).
University of California Press, February 1999.

Bickerman, Elias J.
From Ezra to the Last of the MacCabees Foundations.
New York: Schocken, 1962.

Bickerman, Elias J.
The Jews in the Greek Age.
Cambridge: Harvard University Press, October 1990. Reprint Edition.

Cohen, Shaye J. D.
From the MacCabees to the Mishnah.
Philadelphia: Westminster, 1987.

Cohen, Shaye J. D. and Meeks, Wayne A. (Editor).
From the MacCabees to the Mishnah.
Philadelphia: Westminster John Knox Press, 1987.

Gafni, I.
The Jews of Babylonia in the Talmudic Era: A Social and Cultural History.
Jerusalem: Zalman Shazar Center, 1990. Hebrew.

Goodblatt, David.
The Monarchic Principle: Studies in Jewish Self-Government in Antiquity.
Coronet Books, June 1994.

Goodman, Martin.
The Ruling Class of Judaea: The Origins of the Jewish Revolt against Rome A.D. 66-70.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, June 1993. Reprint Edition.

Hengel, Martin.
Judaism and Hellenism: Studies in Their Encounter in Palestine during the Early Hellenistic Period - vol. 1.
London: SCM, 1974.

Hengel, Martin.
Judaism and Hellenism: Studies in Their Encounter in Palestine during the Early Hellenistic Period - vol. 2.
London: SCM, 1974.

Levine, L.
The Rabbinic Class of Roman Palestine in Late Antiquity.
Jerusalem & New York: Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi & Jewish Theological Seminary of Amer, June 1990.

Linder, Amnon (Editor).
The Jews in Roman Imperial Legislation.
Detroit: Wayne University, 1987.

Mantel, H.
Studies in the History of the Sanhedrin.
Cambridge: Harvard University, 1961.

Neusner, Jacob.
A History of the Jews in Babylonia. 5 vols.
Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, 1965-70.

Neusner, Jacob.
A History of the Jews in Babylonia: The Parthian Period.
Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, 1965.

Neusner, Jacob.
A History of the Jews in Babylonia: The Early Sasanian Period.
Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, August 1997.

Neusner, Jacob.
A History of the Jews in Babylonia: From Shapur I to Shapur II.
Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, August 1997.

Neusner, Jacob.
A History of the Jews in Babylonia: The Age of Shapur II.
Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, August 1997.

Neusner, Jacob.
A History of the Jews in Babylonia: Later Sasanian Time.
Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, August 1997.

Sanders, E. P.
Judaism: Practice and Belief, 63 BCE - 66 CE.
Trinity Press International, February 1992.

Schiffman, Lawrence H.
Reclaiming the Dead Sea Scrolls: Their True and Meaning for Judaism and Christianity.
New York: Doubleday, October 1995. Foreword by Chaim Potok.

Schurer, Emil.
The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ (175 B.C. - A.D. 135): Vol. 1.
Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, January 1973.

Schurer, Emil.
The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ (175 B.C. - A.D. 135): Vol. 2.
Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, June 1979.

Schurer, Emil.
The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ (175 B.C. - A.D. 135), Part 1.
Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, May 1986. Revised Edition Vol. 3.

Schurer, Emil.
The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ (175 B.C. - A.D. 135), Part 2.
Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, July 1987. Revised Edition Vol. 3.

Schwartz, Daniel R.
Agrippa First: The Last King of Judaea.
Coronet Books, June 1990.

Smallwood, E. Mary.
The Jews under Roman Rule From Pompey to Diocletian: A Study in Political Relations.
Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, August 1997. Reprint Edition.

Stern, Menahem.
The Jewish Diaspora, The Jewish People in the First Century, I.
Philadelphia: Fortress, 1974.

Stern, Menahem.
The Reign of Herod and the Herodian Dynasty, The Jewish People in the First Century, I.
Philadelphia: Fortress, 1974.

Stern, Menahem (Editor).
Greek and Latin Authors on Jews and Judaism: From Herodotus to Plutrach.
Jerusalem: Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, 1973-1984.

Tcherikover, Victor.
Hellenistic Civilization and the Jews.
Hendrickson Publishers, November 1999. Preface by John J. Collins.

Talmon, Shemaryahu (Editor).
Jewish Civilization in the Hellenistic-Roman Period.
Trinity Press International, February 1992.

Ancient History - New Testatment Studies

Charles, Robert Henry.
The Apocrypha And Pseudepigrapha Of The Old Testament In English: With Introductions And Critical And Explanatory Notes To The Several Books.
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1913.

Charlesworth, James Hamilton.
Graphic Concordance To The Dead Sea Scrolls.
Westminster John Knox Press, November 1991.

Charlesworth, James Hamilton.
The New Testament Apocrypha And Pseudepigrapha: A Guide To Publications, With Excursuses On Apocalypses.
Chicago: American Theological Library Association And The Scarecrow Press, 1987.

Charlesworth, James Hamilton.
The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha And The New Testament: Prolegomena For The Study Of Christian Origins.
Trinity Press International, November 1998.

Collins, John Joseph.
Apocalypticism in the Dead Sea Scrolls.
London & New York: Routledge, September 1997.

Corpus Papyrorum Judaicarum.
Cambridge: Mass.Pub.Co. For The Magnes Press, Ed.By Victor A.Tcherikover, Alexander Fuks And Menahem Stern. With An Epigraphical Contribution By David M.Lewis The Hebrew University, Harvard University Press, 1957-1964.

Cross, Frank Moore, Jr. and Tolbert, Mary A. (Editor) and Segovia, Fernando F. (Editor).
The Ancient Library of Qumran.
Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press/Fortress Press, April 1995. 3rd Edition.

Fitzmyer, Joseph A.
Responses to 101 Questions on the Dead Sea Scrolls.
New York: Paulist Press, December 1992.

Frey, Jean Baptiste.
Corpus Inscriptionum Judaicarum: Recueil Des Inscriptions Juives Qui Vont Du Iiie Siecle Avant Jesus-Christ Au Viie Siecle De Notre Ere.
Citta Del Vaticano: Pontificio Istituto Di Archeologia Cristiana, 1936-1952.

Frey, Jean Baptiste.
Corpus Of Jewish Inscriptions: Jewish Inscriptions From The Third Century B.C. To The Seventh Century A.D.
New York: Ktav Pub. House, 1975.

Garcia Martinez, Florentino (Editor) and Watson, Wilfred G. E. (Translator).
The Dead Sea Scrolls Translated: The Qumran Texts in English.
Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, February 1996. 2nd Edition.

Harrington, Daniel J.
Wisdom Texts From Qumran.
London & New York: Routledge, September 1996.

Horbury, William and Noy, David (Editor).
Jewish Inscriptions Of Graeco-Roman Egypt, With An Index Of The Jewish Inscriptions Of Egypt And Cyrenaica.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992.

Lifshitz, Baruch.
Donateurs Et Fondateurs Dans Les Synagogues Juives: Repertoire Des Dedicaces Grecques Relatives A La Construction Et A La Reflection Des Synagogues.
Paris: J. Gabalda, 1967.

Linder, Amnon (Editor).
The Jews In Roman Imperial Legislation.
Detroit, Michigan: Wayne State University Press, 1987.

Meshorer, Ya'akov and Qedar, Shraga and Radovan, Ze'ev (Photographer).
Samarian Coinage.
Amphora Books, September 1999.

Noy, David.
Jewish Inscriptions Of Western Europe: Italy (Excluding the City of Rome, Spain and Gaul). vol. 1.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, January 1994.

Noy, David.
Jewish Inscriptions Of Western Europe: The City of Rome. vol. 2.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, April 1995.

Schiffman, Lawrence Harvey.
From Text to Tradition, a History of Judaism in Second Temple and Rabinnic Times: A History of Second Temple and Rabbinic Judaism.
Hoboken, New Jersey: Ktav Publishing House, March 1991.

Schiffman, Lawrence Harvey and Potok, Chaim (Foreword).
Reclaiming the Dead Sea Scrolls: Their True Meaning for Judaism and Christinanity.
New York: Doubleday, October 1995.

Schiffman, Lawrence Harvey.
Hebrew And Aramaic Incantation Texts From The Cairo Genazah: Selected Texts From Taylor-Schechter Box K1.
Cornell University Press, October 1991.

Schiffman, Lawrence Harvey (Editor).
Texts and Traditions: A Source Reader for the Study of Second Temple and Rabbinic Judaism.
Hoboken, New Jersey: Ktav Publishing House, November 1997.

Shanks, Hershel (Editor).
Understanding the Dead Sea Scrolls: A Reader from the Biblical Archaeology Review.
Vintage Books, July 1993. Reprint Edition.

Stern, Menahem (Editor).
Greek And Latin Authors On Jews And Judaism: From Herodotus to Plutrach.
Jerusalem: Israel Academy Of Sciences And Humanities, 1974-1984.

Charlesworth, James Harvey (Editor).
The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha. vol. 1.
New York: Doubleday, October 1983.

Charlesworth, James Harvey (Editor) and Baumgarten, J. M. (Editor) and Davis, M. T.
The Dead Sea Scrolls: Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek Texts With English Translations: Damascus Document, War Scroll, and Related Documents. vol. 2.
Westminster John Knox Press, December 1995.

Charlesworth, James Harvey (Editor).
The Dead Sea Scrolls: Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek Texts With English Translations: Pseudepigraphic and Non-Masoretic Psalms and Prayers. vol. 4 Part A.
Westminster John Knox Press, June 1998.

Charlesworth, James Harvey (Editor).
The Dead Sea Scrolls: Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek Texts With English Translations: Pseudepigraphic and Non-Masoretic Psalms and Prayers. vol. 4 Part B.
Westminster John Knox Press, March 2000.

Vanderkam, James C.
The Dead Sea Scrolls Today.
Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, April 1994.

Vermes, Geza.
The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls in English.
Harmondsworth: Penguin USA, November 1998. 100th Edition.

Wise, Michael Owen (Editor) and Abegg, Martin G. (Editor) and Cook, Edward M.
The Dead Sea  Scrolls: A New Translation.
London: HarperCollins, January 1999.

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