State of Israel
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Table of Contents
Shmuel Yosef Agnon (1888-1970), Hebrew writer, Nobel Prize winner for Literature - The Jewish Virtual Library
- Shalom Aleichem - The Jewish Virtual Library
- Natan Alterman (1910-1970), Poet, Journalist, and Translator - The Jewish Virtual Library
- Natan Alterman Bibliography - (Hebrew)
- Yehuda Amichai (b. 1924), Poet and Author -The Jewish Virtual Library
- Sacha Argov (1914-1995), Composer and Lyricist - The Jewish Virtual Library
- Shmuel Hugo Bergman, (1883-1975), philosopher - The Jewish Virtual Library
- Haim Nahman Bialik (1873-1934), Hebrew poet, essayist, storywriter, translator and editor - The Jewish Virtual Library
- Joseph Haim Brenner (1881-1921), Hebrew novelist - The Jewish Virtual Library
- Martin Buber (1878-1965), Philosopher, theologian, Zionist thinker and leader - The Jewish Virtual Library
- The Martin Buber Homepage
- T. Carmi (1925-1994), Poet and Editor - The Jewish Virtual Library
- Marc Chagall (1887-1985), Artist - The Jewish Virtual Library
- Chagall Windows
- Simon Dubnow (1860-1941), Jewish historian - YIVO Institute for Jewish Research
- Albert Einstein (1879-1955), Physicist, author of the theory of relativity and Nobel Prize winner - The Jewish Virtual Library
- Albert Einstein Online
- Shimon Finkel (1905-1999), Actor and Director - The Jewish Virtual Library
- David Frischmann (1859-1922), Poet, short story writer, essayist, literary critic and journalist - The Jewish Virtual Library
- Lea Goldberg (1911-1970), Hebrew poet - The Jewish Virtual Library
- David Gordon (1831-1886), Hebrew Journalist and Editor - The Jewish Virtual Library
- Uri Zvi Greenberg (1896-1981), Poet - The Jewish Virtual Library/li>
- Chaim Hefer (b. 1925), Poet and Song Writer - The Jewish Virtual Library
- Aharon Katzir (1914-1972), Israeli chemist - The Jewish Virtual Library
- Abba Kovner (1918-1987) - The Jewish Virtual Library
- Nechama Leibowitz (1905-1997), Bible Scholar, Commentator and Teacher - The Jewish Agency
- Yeshayahu Leibowitz (1903-1994), Scientist, Philosopher and Man of Letters - The Jewish Agency
- Sarah Levy-Tanai (1911-1975), Choreographer; Founder of the Inbal Dance Troupe - The Jewish Agency
- Judah Magnes (1877-1948) - The Jewish Virtual Library
- Amos Oz (b. 1937), Israeli novelist - The Jewish Virtual Library
- Peretz Yitskhok Leybush (1852-1915), Yiddish poet and writer - YIVO Institute for Jewish Research<
- Dalia Rabikovitch (1936 - 2005), Hebrew poet - The Jewish Virtual Library
- Rahel [Bluwstein] (1890-1931), Hebrew poet - The Jewish Virtual Library
- Hannah Rovina (1892-1980), Actress - The Jewish Virtual Library
- Reuven Rubin (1893-1974), Artist - The Jewish Virtual Library
- Boris Schatz (1866-1932), Sculptor and Painter, Founder of The Bezalel School of Art - The Jewish Virtual Library
- Gershon Scholem, (1897-1982), Jewish scholar on Jewish mysticism - The Jewish Virtual Library
- Moshe Shamir (b. 1921), Author, Dramatist, and Man of Letters - The Jewish Virtual Library
- Naomi Shemer (1931-2004), Composer and Song Writer - The Jewish Virtual Library
- Marie Syrkin (1899-1989), Author, Translator, and Editor - The Jewish Virtual Library<
- Shaul Tchernichowsky (1875-1943), Hebrew poet - The Jewish Virtual Library
- Moshe Vilensky (1910-1997), Musician, Composer, and Lyricist - The Jewish Virtual Library
- A.B. Yehoshua (b. 1936), Israeli novelist and playwright - The Jewish Virtual Library
- S. Yizhar (1916-2006), Writer - The Jewish Virtual Library
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- Israel's Foreign Relations - Selected Documents, 1947-1974 - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- The Israel-PLO Negotiations - Archive of Documents and Background Papers - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Israel-Jordan - Documents and Background - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Modern History Sourcebook: Sir Henry McMahon: Letter to Ali ibn Husain, 1915
- The Balfour Declaration - November 2, 1917
- The Balfour Declaration - Jewish Virtual Library
- The Weizmann-Faisal Agreement - January 1919<
- Zionist Organization Statement on Palestine: Paris Peace Conference - February 3, 1919
- Modern History Sourcebook: League of Nations: The Mandate for Palestine, July 24, 1922
- Modern History Sourcebook: A.J. Balfour (1848-1930): Defense of the Palestine Mandate, 1922
- The British White Papers- Jewish Virtual Library
- UN General Assembly Resolution 181 (Partition Plan) - November 29, 1947
- The Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel - May 14, 1948
- Fascimile of the Declaration of Independence
- The State of Israel Is Born - Headlines from the World Press - May 1948
- Modern History Sourcebook: President Eisenhower: The Eisenhower Doctrine on the Middle East, A Message to Congress, January 5, 1957
- Modern History Sourcebook: TASS: Statement on the Eisenhower Doctrine, January 14 1957
- Separation of Forces between Israel and Syria May 31, 1974 - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- The Camp David Accords, September 17, 1978
- Documents on the US Recognition on the State of Israel - The Harry S. Truman Library and Museum
- Israel's Foreign Policy - Historical Documents
- UN General Assembly Resolutions (since 1947) - Jewish Virtual Library
- UN Security Council Resolutions (since 1948) - Jewish Virtual Library
- Historical Documents of Zionism and the History of Israel
- Palestine 1916 - 2001 : A Documentary Record - The Avalon Project
- Documents Pertinent to Middle Eastern Issues - MT. Holyoke College
- Documents Relating to the Israeli-Palestinian Dispute - MT. Holyoke College
- Basic Laws of the State of Israel
- Selected Sound Recordings - The Parliament of Israel
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