Stone, Michael E.
Michael Stone, born in Leeds, U.K., in 1938. Ph.D. from
Harvard University. Professor of Armenian Studies and Gail Levin de Nur Professor of
Religious Studies at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. E-mail: Stone@nias.knaw.nl
books and monographs articles and reviews research
projects abstracts
of current research keywords
1997-1998: Research at the NIAS Institute,
Wassenaar, The Netherlands
"The research of my group at NIAS
will deal with techniques of translation, particularly from Greek into Armenian. I intend
to work mainly on the late antique philosophical treatise, De Natura. In addition to
reassessing the current edition with an eye to replacing it with an electronic edition, I
intend jointly with Jaap Mansfeld to complete the English translation and commentary. My
second project will be to complete a book on traditions of the temptation of Adam and Eve,
the so-called legend of the "Cheirograph of Adam" utilizing literary and
iconographic sources in a variety of languages: Ethiopic, Syriac, Hebrew, Slavonic,
Armenian and Georgian."
Research Interests:
Armenian literature, particularly that deriving
from and associated with the Bible. Armenian paleography and Armenian epigraphy, with
particular stress on the Holy Land and Sinai. The development of apocryphal traditions in
Judaism and Christianity. Jewish literature and thought of the Second Temple period,
including the Dead Sea Scrolls. Armenian manuscripts. History of the Armenians in the Holy
Land. Pilgrimage to the Holy Land.
Research Projects:
1. The Story of Adam and Eve in Jewish and
Christian Tradition (with Prof. Gary Anderson, University of Virginia). Funding: Institute
for Technology and Humanities, University of Virginia; National Endowment for the
Humanities (USA).
2. Leiden-Jerusalem Armenian Data Base (with Dr.
J.J.S. Weitenberg, Leiden University). Funding: Israel Science Foundation.
3. The Album of Armenian Paleography (with
Profs. Henning Lehmann and Dickran Kouymjian). Funding: The Carlsberg Foundation; The
Gulbenkian Foundation.
4. The Census of Armenian Manuscripts (with
Prof. Bernard Coulie, Louvain-la-neuve).
5. Adam and Eve in the Armenian tradition.
Funding: Israel Science Foundation.
Abstracts of Current Research:
Studies in Jewish apocryphal literature and
the Dead Sea Scrolls:
A current focus of interest is the functioning
of Jewish Apocryphal literature and traditions in later Jewish and Christian usage,
including the Qumran texts relating to Noah, Levi, Qahat and Amram, and Biblical Apocrypha
at Qumran. Major work is underway on the Adam and Eve traditions and literature, both in
ancient Judaism and in their later Jewish and Christian developments.
Apocryphal literature in Armenian:
Work continues for the publication of Jewish and
Biblical texts which have been preserved in the Armenian Church. A volume of texts on Adam
and Eve has recently been published, and a critical edition of the Armenian version of the
Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs is being prepared.
Key words:
Apocrypha; Pseudepigrapha; Dead Sea Scrolls;
Armenian, epigraphy; Armenians; inscriptions, Armenian; Adam and Eve, manuscripts;
paleography; textual databases; concordances
Selected Bibliography
Books and Monographs
- The Testament of Levi: A First Study of the Armenian
Manuscripts of the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs in the Convent of St. James,
Jerusalem.Jerusalem: St. James Press, 1969.
- The Manuscript Library of the Armenian Patriarchate in
Jerusalem.Jerusalem: St. James Press, 1969.
- The Books of the Life of Adam and Eve and IV Baruch.Jerusalem:
Akademon, 1970.
- Concordance and Texts of Armenian IV Ezra.
- Oriental Notes and Studies, Jerusalem: Israel Oriental
Society, 1971. 11.
- The Armenian Version of the Testament of Joseph.
Texts and Translations Pseudepigrapha Series, 6. Missoula: Scholars Press, 1975.
- ed. Armenian and Biblical Studies. Jerusalem: St.
James Press, 1976. 1.
- with B. Narkis, Armenian Art Treasures of Jerusalem.
Jerusalem: Masada, 1979.
- The Armenian Version of 4 Ezra. University of
Pennsylvania Armenian Texts and Studies, 1. Missoula: Scholars Press, 1979.
- Armenian Inscriptions from Sinai: Intermediate Report
with Notes on Georgian and Nabatean Inscriptions.
Sydney: Maitland, 1979.
- Signs of the Judgment, Onomastica Sacra and The
Generations from Adam. University of Pennsylvania Armenian Texts and Studies, 3 ed.
M.E. Stone. Chico: Scholars Press, 1981.
- The Penitence of Adam.CSCO, 429-30; Scriptores
Armeniaci, ed. R. Draguet. Leuven: Peeters, 1981. 13-14.
- Armenian Apocrypha Relating to Patriarchs and Prophets.
Jerusalem: Israel Academy of Sciences, 1982.
- An Analytical Index of Armenian Apocrypha Relating to
Patriarchs and Prophets. Jerusalem: Institute of Jewish Studies, 1982.
- The Armenian Inscriptions from the Sinai with Appendixes
on the Georgian and Latin Inscriptions by Michel van Esbroeck and W. Adler. Harvard
Armenian Texts and Studies, 6; ed. R.W. Thomson. Cambridge: Harvard University, 1982.
- with T.J. Samuelian, Mediaeval Armenian Culture.
- University of Pennsylvania Armenian Texts and Studies, 6
Chico: Scholars Press, 1983.
- Features of the Eschatology of IV Ezra. Harvard
Semitic Studies 35; Atlanta: Scholars, 1989.
- Commentary on 4 Ezra. Hermeneia, Minneapolis:
Augsberg-Fortress, 1990.
- Textual Commentary on the Armenian Version of 4 Ezra.
SBLSCSS, 35; Atlanta: Scholars, 1990.
- Studies in the Pseudepigrapha, with Special Reference to
the Armenian,Studia in Veteris Testamenti Pseudepigrapha, Leiden: Brill, 1991.
- The Rock Inscriptions and Graffiti Project,Catalogue
of Inscriptions, Volumes 1-2: Inscriptions 1-6000, Society of Biblical Literature
Resources for Biblical Study, 28-29, Scholars Press, Atlanta, 1992.
- The Rock Inscriptions and Graffiti Project,Catalogue
of Inscriptions, Volumes 3 Inscriptions 6000-8500, Society of Biblical Literature
Resources for Biblical Study, Scholars Press, Atlanta, 1993.
- with S. Ajamian, Text and Context: Studies in the
Armenian New Testament (University of Pennsylvania Armenian Texts and Studies, 13)
Atlanta: Scholars, 1994.
- with G.A. Anderson, A Synopsis of the Primary Adam
Literature,Atlanta, Scholars, 1994.
- with C. Zuckermann, Repertory of Printed Armenian
Translations of Classical Works, Jerusalem, Institute of African and Asian Studies,
1996 (booklet).
- Texts and Concordances of the Armenian Adam Literature,
Vol. 1(Early Judaism and Its Literature, 12) Atlanta: Scholars, 1996.
- Armenian Apocrypha: Relating to Adam and Eve.Brill,
Leiden, 1996.
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Articles and Reviews
Michael E. Stone
1. "A Note on Daniel i.3," ABR 7 (1959), 67-71.
2. editorial assistant: Scrolls from the Wilderness of the
Dead Sea. ASOR, 1965.
3. "Paradise in IV Ezra iv.8, and vii.36,
viii.52," JJS 17 (1966), 85-88.
4. "The Death of Adam: An Armenian Adam Book," HTR 59 (1966), 283-291.
5. "Some Features of the Armenian Version of IV Ezra,," Le Muséon 79 (1966),
6. "An Armenian Manuscript in the National and
University Library, Jerusalem," REArm 4 (1967), 57-61.
7. "Some Remarks on the Textual Criticism of IV Ezra," HTR 60 (1967), 107-115.
8. "An Armenian Manuscript in the National and University Library in Jerusalem,"
Kirjath Sepher 42 (1967 - 5727), 269-271 (Hebrew).
9. "Manuscripts and Readings of Armenian IV
Ezra," Textus 6 (1968), 48-61.
10. "Catalogues of Armenian Manuscripts and Associated Works in American
Libraries," JAOS 8 (1968), 456-460.
11. "Early Armenian Printings in the University and National Library,
Jerusalem," Sion 42 (1968), 473-480.
12. "review of N. Bogharian, Grand Catalogue of St. James Manuscripts vols. 1-3.
Jerusalem: 1966-69," CNI 19 (1968), 64-66.
13. "review of G. Delling, Jdische Lehre und Frömmigkeit in den Paralipomena
Jeremiae. Berlin: 1967," Interpretation (1968), 277-278.
14. "The Testament of Jacob," REArm 5 (1968), 264-270.
15. "The Concept of the Messiah in IV Ezra,," Religions in Antiquity: Essays in
Memory of Erwin Ramsdell Goodenough. ed. J. Neusner. Leiden: Brill, 1968, 295-312.
16. "An Armenian Manuscript in the
Library of Hechal Shlomo," Le Muséon 82 (1969), 293-306.
17. "The Testament of Jacob - An Additional Note," REArm 6 (1969), 103-104.
18. review of B. Johnson, Die armenische Bibeluebersetzung als Hexaplarische Zeuge im 1.
Samuelbuch," Interpretation (1969), 391.
19. "The Apocryphal Literature in the Armenian Tradition," Proceedings of the
Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities 4 (1969 - 5730), 59-77 (English) 153-167
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20. "The Study of Armenian Manuscripts," Sion 44
(1970), 456-465.
21. "The Jerusalem Manuscripts of the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs - Samples
of Text," Sion 44 (1970), 29-35.
22. "An Armenian Translation of a Baraitha in the Babylonian Talmud.," HTR 6
(1970), 151-154.
23. review of Ch. Burchard et al., Studien zu dem Testamenten der Zwölf Patriarchen. (ZNW
Beiheft, 36) Berlin: 1969," JBL 89 (1970), 487-488.
24. review of B.Johnson, Die armenische Bibelbersetzung als Hexaplarische Zeuge im 1.
Samuelbuch. Lund: 1968," RB 77 (1970), 260-264.
25. "The Study of Armenian Manuscripts," Sion 44 (1970), 456-465.
26. "Apocryphal Notes and Readings," IOS 1
(1971), 123-131.
27. review of S. Der Nersessian, The Armenians. London:1970, Sion 45 (1971), 84-86.
28. "Abel Maul," Encyclopaedia Judaica. Jerusalem: 1971, 2, 61-62.
29. "Abraham, Other Books of," Encyclopedia Judaica. Jerusalem: 1971, 2,
30. "Adam, Other Books of," Encyclopedia Judaica. Jerusalem: 1971, 2, 245-246.
31. "Anti-Christ," Encyclopedia Judaica. Jerusalem: 1971, 3, 60-62.
32. "Ahikar," Encyclopedia Judaica. Jerusalem: 1971, 3, 461-462.
33. "Baruch, Book of," Encyclopedia Judaica. Jerusalem: 1971, 4, 272-273.
34. "Bible, Armenian Version of," Encyclopedia Judaica. Jerusalem: 1971, 5,
35. "Baruch, Rest of the Words of," Encyclopedia Judaica. Jerusalem: 1971, 4,
36. "Daniel, Books of (Apocryphal)," Encyclopedia Judaica. Jerusalem: 1971, 5,
37. Stone, M.E. (wrongly attributed), "Elijah, Apocalypse of," Encyclopedia
Judaica. Jerusalem: 1971, 6, 643.
38. "Ezekiel, Apocryphal Books of," Encyclopedia Judaica. Jerusalem: 1971, 6,
39. "Ezra, Apocalypse of," Encyclopedia Judaica. Jerusalem: 1971, 6, 1108-1109.
40. "Isaac, Testament of," Encyclopedia Judaica. Jerusalem: 1971, 9, 10-11.
41. "Isaiah, Martyrdom of," Encyclopedia Judaica. Jerusalem: 1971, 9, 71.
42. "Lamech in the Apocrypha," Encyclopedia Judaica. Jerusalem: 1971, 10, 1366.
43. "Noah, Books of," Encyclopedia Judaica. Jerusalem: 1971, 12, 1189.
44. "Prophets, Lives of," Encyclopedia Judaica. Jerusalem: 1971, 1149-1150,
45. "Habakkuk, Prophecy of," Encyclopedia Judaica. Jerusalem: 1971, 7,
46. "Jacob, Testament of," Encyclopedia Judaica. Jerusalem: 1971, 9, 1213.
47. "Oil of Life," Encyclopedia Judaica. Jerusalem: 1971, 12, 1347.
48. "Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego," Encyclopedia Judaica. Jerusalem: 1971,
14, 1255-56.
49. "Methodological Issues in the Study of the Text of the Apocrypha and
Pseudepigrapha," Proceedings of the Fifth World Congress of Jewish Studies.
Jerusalem: 1971, 211-7.
50. "Moses of Choren," Encyclopedia Hebraica. 1971, 24, 51.
51. "Bible, Armenian Version of," Encyclopedia Hebraica. 1971, 24, 309.
52. "Apocryphal Notes and Readings," IOS 1 (1971), 123-131.
53. "Researches in the Library of the Armenian
Patriarchate, Jerusalem and their Importance for Jewish Studies," Tarbiz 41 (1972),
157-169 (Hebrew).
54. review of S. Der Nersessian, L'Illustration des psautiers grecs du moyen age. II.
Londres add. 19,352, IEJ 32 (1972), 63-64.
55. "Jewish Literature from the Period of the Second Temple in Armenian
Literature," Lectures at Research Meetings of the Israel Historical Society.
Jerusalem: 1972, 247-264 (in Hebrew).
56. "Judaism at the Time of Christ," Scientific
American .January (1973), 80-87.
57. "Some Observations on the Armenian Version of the Paralipomena of Jeremiah,"
CBQ 35 (1973), 47-59.
58. review of Robert W. Thomson, The Teaching of St. Gregory. Cambridge: 1971, JAOS 93
(1973), 591-94.
59. "Armenian Canon Lists, I: The Canon of Partaw," HTR 67 (1973), 479-486.
60. "The Old Armenian Version of Isaiah: Towards the Choice of a Base Text,"
Textus 8 (1973), 107-125.
61. "An Armenian Tradition Relating to the Death of the Three Companions of
Daniel," Le Muséon 86 (1973), 111-123.
62. review of J. Licht, The Apocalypse of Ezra. Jerusalem: 1968, Immanuel 1 (1973-4),
63. "Three Armenian Accounts of the Death of
Moses," Studies on the Testament of Moses. ed. G.W.E. Nickelsburg. Septuagint and
Cognate Studies. Cambridge. MA: SBL, 1974, 4,
64. "An Armenian Psalter in the Library of Northwestern University," Le Muséon
87 (1974), 195-205.
65. "Apocalyptic, Vision or Hallucination?," Milla wa-Milla 14 (1974), 47-56.
66. with Ch. Safrai, "Further Armenian Manuscripts in the National and University
Library, Jerusalem," REArm 10 (1974), 111-117.
67. "The Armenian Version of the Testaments of the
Twelve Patriarchs - Selection of Manuscripts," Sion 49 (1975), 207-211.
68. review of S. Der Nersessian, Armenian Manuscripts in the Walters Art Gallery.
Baltimore:1973, IEJ 25 (1975), 190-193.
69. "Lists of Revealed Things in the Apocalyptic
Literature," Magnalia Dei. ed. W. Lemke and P.D. Miller F.M. Cross. New York:
Doubleday, 1976, 414-454.
70. "Armenian Canon Lists II: The Stichometry of Anania of Shirak," HTR 69
(1976), 253-260.
71. "Additional Note on the Marginalia in 4 Kingdoms," Armenian and Biblical
Studies. ed. M.E. Stone. Jerusalem: St. James Press, 1976, 21-22.
72. "The Study of Armenian Manuscripts," Armenian and Biblical Studies. ed. M.E.
Stone. Jerusalem: St. James Press, 1976, 283-94.
73. "Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs," IDB Supplement Volume. Nashville:
Abingdon, 1976, 877.
74. "Pseudepigrapha," IDB Supplement Volume. Nashville: Abingdon, 1976, 710-712.
75. "Armenian Canon Lists III - The Lists of Mechitar of Ayrivank?," HTR 69
(1976), 289-300.
76. review of M. Hengel, Judaism and Hellenism.
Philadelphia: 1974, Shnaton 2 (1977), 264-265 (in Hebrew).
77. "New Evidence for the Armenian Version of the Testaments of the Twelve
Patriarchs," RB 88 (1977), 94-107.
78. "A New Manuscript of the Syro-Arabic Version of the Fourth Book of Ezra,"
JSJ 8 (1977), 183-184.
79. review of J.H. Charlesworth, The Pseudepigrapha and Modern Research., RSR (1977),
80. Stone, M.E., and J.C. Greenfield, "The Enochic Pentateuch and the Date of the
Similitudes," HTR 70 (1977), 51-65.
81. review of O. Wahl, Apocalypsis Esdrae, Apocalypsis Sedrach, Visio Beati Esdrae., RSR
82. review of M. Hengel, Judaism and Hellenism. Philadelphia: 1974, Shnaton 2 (1977),
264-265 (in Hebrew).
83. review of H. Schueppenhaus, Die Psalmen Salomos., RSR
4 (1978), 134.
84. "The Penitence of Solomon," JTS 40 (1978), 1-19.
85. "Two New Discoveries Concerning the Uncanonical Ezra Books," Sion 52 (1978),
54-60 (Armenian).
86. "The Book of Enoch and Judaism in the Third Century B.C.E," CBQ 40 (1978),
87. review of R.W. Thomson, Agathangelos' History of the Armenians, HaMizrah HeHadash
(1978), 326-327 (Hebrew).
88. with J.C. Greenfield, "The Books of
Enoch and the Traditions of Enoch," Numen 26 (1979), 89-103.
89. with J.C. Greenfield, "Remarks on the Aramaic Testament of Levi,," RB 86
(1979), 214-230.
90. " Two Leaves of Acts in the Perkins Library, Duke University," Sion 43
(1979), 24.
91. with M.J.L. Young, "A Persian-Armenian Manuscript in the Leeds Collection,"
Le Muséon 92 (1979), 361-367.
92. review of K. Berger, Die grieschiche Daniel-Diegese. Leiden: Brill, 1976, JBL 98
(1979), 609-610.
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93. "Epigraphica Armeniaca Hierosolymitana,"
AArmL 1 (1980), 51-68.
94. "Concerning the Seventy-Two Translators: Armenian Fragments of Epiphanius' DE
MENSURIS ET PONDERIBUS," HTR 73 (1980), 331-336.
95. with N. Stone, "An Illuminated Armenian Gospel in the National and University
Library, Jerusalem,," REArm 14 (1980), 435-441.
96. "Armenian Canon Lists IV: The List of Gregory of Tathew," HTR 73 (1980),
97. "A Rare Armenian Coin from Jerusalem," Israel Numismatic Journal 4 (1980),
98. "Report on Seth Traditions in the Armenian Adam
Books," The Rediscovery of Gnosticism. ed. B. Layton. Leiden: Brill, 1981, 2,
99. "Epigraphica Armeniaca Hierosolymitana, II," AArmL 2 (1981), 73-83.
100. "Sinai Armenian Inscriptions," BA .Winter 1981 (1981), 27-31.
101. "Sinai Armenian Inscriptions," PBH (1981), 88-94 (Armenian).
102. review of G.W.E. Nickelsburg and J.J. Collins, Ideal Figures in Ancient Judaism
Chico:1980, RSR 7 (1981), 361.
103. "The Metamorphosis of Ezra: Jewish Apocalypse
and Mediaeval Vision," JTS 33 (1982), 1-18.
104. "Reactions to Destructions of the Second Temple: Theology, Perception and
Conversion," JSJ 12 (1982), 195-204.
105. "Jewish Apocryphal Literature in the Armenian Church," Le Muséon 95
(1982), 285-309.
106. "Armenian Inscriptions in Southern Sinai," Studies on Southern Sinai. ed.
I. Lachish and Z. Meshel. Tel-Aviv: 1982, 48-50 (Hebrew).
107. with C.E. Cox, "Guidelines for Editions of Armenian Biblical Texts," IOSCS
Bulletin 15 (1982), 51-59.
108. review of, A.L. Thompson, Responsibility for Evil in the Theodicy of 4 Ezra.
Missoula:1977, RSR .1982 (1982),
109. review of R.J. Coggins and M.A. Knibb, The First and Second Books of Ezra.
Cambridge:1979, JAAR .1982 (1982).
110. review of D.G. Burke, The Poetry of Baruch. 1982, JBL 103 (1984), 648.
111. "Greek Apocalypse of Esdras," The Old
Testament Pseudepigrapha. ed. J.H. Charlesworth. Garden City: Doubleday, 1983, 1, 561-579.
112. "Questions of Ezra," The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha. ed. J.H.
Charlesworth. Garden City: Doubleday, 1983, 1, 591-599.
113. "Coherence and Inconsistency in the Apocalypses: the Case of 'The End' in 4
Ezra," JBL 102 (1983), 229-243.
114. with C.E. Cox, "Guidelines for Editions of Armenian Biblical Texts," REArm
17 (1983), 627-633.
115. "The Greek Background of Some Sinai Armenian Pilgrims and Some Other
Observations," Mediaeval Armenian Culture. ed. M.E. Stone and T.J. Samuelian. Chico:
Scholars Press, 1983, 194-202.
116. "Why Study the Pseudepigrapha?," BA .December 1983 (1983), 235-243.
117. review of R.G. Hovhanissian, The Armenian Image in History and Literature.
Malibu:1981," MES 19 (1983), 396-397.
118. review of R.H. Hann, The Manuscript History of the Psalms of Solomon. 1982, RSR 9.2
(1983), 169.
119. "Apocalyptic Literature," Jewish Writings
of the Second Temple Period. ed. M.E. Stone. Compendia Rerum Iudaicarum ad Novum
Testamentum 2.2. Assen and Philadelphia: van Gorcum and Fortress, 1984,
120. "Introduction," Jewish Writings of the Second Temple Period. ed. M.E.
Stone. Compendia Rerum Iudaicarum ad Novum Testamentum 2.2. Assen and Philadelphia: van
Gorcum and Fortress, 1984,
121. "The Armenian Version," Bible Translation: An IntroductionJerusalem: Mosad
Bialik, 1984) 143-147. ed. Ch. Rabin. Jerusalem: Mosad Bialik, 1984, 143-147 (Hebrew).
122. "The History of the Forefathers, Adam and His Sons and Grandsons," JSAS 1
(1984), 79-91.
123. "Armenian Inscriptions from the Sinai," Atti del Terzo Simposio
Internazionale di Arte Armena, ed. G. Iieni, and G. Uluhogian. (Venice: San Lazzaro,
1984), 539-541.
124. "Epigraphica Armeniaca Hierosolymitana, III," REArm 18 (1984), 559-581.
125. "An Armenian Pilgrim to the Holy Land in the Early Byzantine Period," REArm
18 (1984), 173-179.
126. with J.C. Greenfield, "The Aramaic Levi
Document," The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs: A Commentary. ed. H.W. Hollander
and M. de Jonge. Leiden: Brill, 1985, 457-469.
127. "Three Transformation in Judaism: Scripture, History and Redemption," Numen
32 (1985), 218-235.
128. "Four Further Armenian Epigraphs from the Sinai," JSAS 2 (1985-1986),
129. "The Armenian Vision of Ezekiel,"
Christians among Jews and Gentiles: K. Stendahl Festschrift. ed. G.W.E Nickelsburg and
G.W. MacRae. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1986, 261-269.
130. "Holy Land Pilgrimage of Armenians before the Arab Conquest," RB 93 (1986),
131. "Notes on the Armenian Aristotle," Symposium Graeco-Arabicum I. ed. P.L.
Schoonheim and G. Endress. Bochum: Brockmeyer, 1986, 17-18.
132. "Computer Implementation of Armenian," Proceedings of Symposium Bible et
Informatique. Maredsous: 1986,
133. "Categorization and Classification of the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha,"
Abr Nahrain 24 (1986), 167-177.
134. "The Epitome of the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs," REArm 20
(1986-1987), 70-107.
135. "Epigraphica Armeniaca Hierosolymitana, IV," REArm 20 (1986-87), 465-479.
136. "The Parabolic Use of Natural order in Judaism
of the Second Temple Age," Gilgul: Werblowsky FS. ed. S. Shaked, D. Shulman and G.G.
Stroumsa. Studies in the History of Religions 50. Leiden: Brill, 1987, 298-308.
137. "Eschatology, Remythologization and Cosmic Aporia," The Origins and
Diversity of Axial Age Civilizations. ed. S.N. Eisenstadt. State University of New York,
1987, 241-251.
138. with J.J.S. Weitenberg, "The Leiden Armenian Data Base," LLC 2 (1987),
139. "Eschatologie, Remythologisierung und kosmische Aporie," Kulturen der
Achsenzeit. ed. S.N. Eisenstadt. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1987, 2, 19-37.
140. "Ideal Figures and Social Context: Priest and
Sage in the Early Second Temple Age," Ancient Israelite Religions; F.M. Cross
Festschrift. ed. P.D. Miller and et alii. Philadelpia: Fortress, 1988, 575-586.
141. "The Question of the Messiah in 4 Ezra," Judaism and its Messiahs. ed. J.
Neusner and et alii. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1988, 209-224.
142. review of J.H. Charlesworth, The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, and Sparkes, The
Apocryphal Old Testament, RSR 14.2 (1988), 111-113.
143. withT.A. Bergren, "2 Esdras: a Commentary," Harper Bible Commentary. ed.
J.L. Mays. San Francisco: Harper and Row, 1988, 776-790.
144. "The Way of the Most High and the Injustice of God in 4 Ezra," Knowledge of
God in the Graeco-Roman World. ed. R. van den Broek, T. Baarda and J. Mansfeld. Leiden:
Brill, 1988, 132-142.
145. review of The Armenian Quarter of Jerusalem: Urban Life Behind Monastery Walls by
Victor Azarya. Berkeley Los Angeles London: University of California Press, 1984, MES
146. "Enoch, Aramaic Levi and Sectarian Origins," JSJ 19 (1988), 159-170.
147. "The Months of the Hebrews," Le Muséon 101 (1988), 5-12.
148. "Armenian Pilgrimage to the Land of Israel up to the Arab Conquest," Jews,
Samaritans and Christians in the Land of Israel in the Byzantine Period. Jerusalem: Ben
Zvi Institute, 1988, 93-103 (Hebrew).
149. "The Armenian Inscription in Awagvank?," REArm 21 (1988-89), 451-53.
150. "The Book of Esdras," JSAS 4 (1988-89), 209-212.
151. "Two Further Notes on the Epitome of the Testaments of the Twelve
Patriarchs," REArm 21 (1988-89), 497-99.
152. "Pilgrims, Computers and Bible
Stories," NAASR Newsletter Winter 1988-9. Reprinted, The Armenian Weekly, July 1,
1989 (1989),
153. "II Esdras," The Books of the Bible. ed. B.A. Anderson. New York:
Scribners, 1989, 2, 21-34.
154. "An Armenian Epigraph in Melbourne," MedArch 2 (1989), 203-205.
155 . "New Discoveries Relating to the Armenian Adam Books," JSP 5 (1989),
156. "An New Epitome of Epiphanius' DE GEMMIS," HTR 82:4 (1989), 467-76.
157. Review of J. Paramelle, Philon d'Alexandrie: Questions sur la Genèse II 1-7 Geneva
1984, JAOS 109.1 (1989), 119-120.
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158. "Travaux actuels sur la littérature apocryphe
arménienne," La fable apocryphe 1 ed. P. Geoltrain, J.-C. Picard and A. Desreumaux.
Apoocrypha: Le champ des apocryphes, 1. Brepols, 1990, 303-312.
159. Review of F. Siegert, Philon von Alexandrien: ber die Gottesbeichnung ?wohltätige
vezehrendes Feuer? (1986), JSJ 21 (1990), 136-138.
160. Review of D.A. Bertrand, La Vie Grecque d'Adam et d'Eve 1987, Critical Review of
Books in Religion (1990),
161. Review of Angèle Kapoïan-Kouymjian, L'Egypte vue par des Arméniens (Paris: 1988),
Oriental and African Studies (1990),
162. "Fing;rord darou Fa\;r;n Wimagrouj\ounn;r Naxar;j;n," Patma-Banasirakan
Hant s .3 (130) (1990), 52-62.
163. with J.C. Greenfield, "Two Notes on the Aramaic Levi Document," Of Scribes
and Scrolls: Studies on the Hebrew Bible, Intertestamental Judaism and Christian Origins.
ed. H.W. Atttridge, J.J. Collins and T.H. Tobin. (College Theology Society Resources in
Religion, 5) Lanham: University Press of America, 1990, 153-162.
164. "Armenian Canon Lists V - Anonymous Texts," HTR 83 (1990), 141-161
165. "Epigraphica Armeniaca Hieorsolymitana V", Revue des Etudes Arméniennes,
22 (1990-91), 333-349.
166. "Armenian Inscriptions of the Fifth Century from Nazareth,". Revue des
Etudes Arméniennes, 22 (1990-91), 315-322.
167. "On Reading an Apocalypse," Mysteries and
Revelations: Apocalyptic Studies since the Uppsala Colloquium. ed. J.J. Collins and J.H.
Charlesworth. (Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha Supplement Series, 9)
Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1991, 79-90.
168. Review of T.W. Willett, Eschatology of the Theodicies of 2 Baruch and 4 Ezra. JBL
110.2 (1991), 343-4.
169. with U. Avner, "cdbc ,ucu,f rex Survey of Inscriptions in the Neveg," d ot
Archeologiot 97 (1991) 87.
170. "Negev Diary, April 19-21, 1990," Ormond Papers 8 (1991), 100-107.
171. "Some Armenian Angelological and Uranographical
Texts," Le Muséon, 105 (1992) 147-157.
172. Review of W. Lechner-Schmidt, Wortindex der lateinisch erhalten Pseudepigraphen zum
Alten Testament (Texte und Arbeiten zum neutestamentlichen Zeitalter, 3), Tbingen,
Franke Verlag, 1990. Studia Philonica Annual 4 (1992), 136-137.
179. with E. Eshel, "An Exposition on the Patriarchs (4Q464) and Two Other Documents
(4Q464a and 4Q464b)," Le Muséon, 105 (1992) 243-264.
180. with J.C. Greenfield, "The Prayer of Levi,"
JBL 112.2 (1993), 247-266.
181. with E. Eshel, "A New Fragment of 4QDeuth," JBL 112.3 (1993), 487-489
182. "Priorities, Problems and Techniques of Text Editions," Armenian Texts,
Tasks and Tools, ed. H. Lehmann, and J.J.S. Weitenberg. Acta Jutlandica LXIX:1, Humanities
Series 68, (Århus: Århus University Press, 1993) 11-14.
183. "Assessment of Variants in Armenian Manuscripts," Armenian Texts, Tasks and
Tools, ed. H. Lehmann, and J.J.S. Weitenberg. Acta Jutlandica LXIX:1, Humanities Series
68, (Århus: Århus University Press, 1993) 15-25.
184. "The Fall of Satan and Adam's Penance: Three Notes on The Books of Adam and
Eve," Journal of Theological Studies NS 44.1 (1993) 143-156.
185. "The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha and the Dead Sea Scrolls," Biblical
Archeology Today1990, (Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society & Israel Academy of
Sciences, 1993) 383-390.
186. "Linguistic Aspects of the Sinai Inscriptions," Proceedings of the Second
International Symposium on Armenian Linguistics (21-23 September 1987) (Yerevan: Academy
of Sciences, 1993) 176-180 (in Armenian).
187. with E. Eshel, "The Eschatological Holy Tongue in Light of a Fragment from
Qumran," Tarbiz 62.2 (1993) 169-177 (in Hebrew).
188. with J. Mansfeld, "Compte rendu préliminaire sur la traduction anglaise de la
composition de Natura attribuée à Zéno stoïcus," Newsletter of Assoc. Int. des
Et. Arm. 19.October 1993 (1993) 4-6.
189. "The Newly-Discovered Armenian Inscriptions in Jerusalem," Patmabanasirakan
Hantes 137-138 (1993), 15-26 (in Armenian).
190. "Introdocution and Notes on 2 Esdras," Harper Collins Stucy Bible, Harper
Collins: New York, 993, 1768-1809.
191. "Some New Major Tools for Armenian
Studies," Newsletter of the Assoc. Int. des Etud. Arm. 20.20 (1994) April 1994.
192. "Eight Manuscripts of the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs." Text and
Context: Studies in the Armenian New Testament eds. S. Ajamian and M.E. Stone (University
of Pennsylvania Armenian Texts and Studies, 13) Atlanta: Scholars, 1994, 75-82
193. with J.C. Greenfield, "The First Manuscript of Aramaic Levi from Cave 4 at
Qumran (4QArLevia)." Le Muséon 107.3-4 (1994), 257-281.
194. "Jewish Tradition, the Pseudepigrapha and the Christian West," The Aramaic
Bible: Targums in their Historical Context, eds. D.R.G. Beattie and M.J. McNamara,
Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1994, 431-449.
195. "Some Remarks on Wasn St;[/man A,.arfi (On the
Creation of the World) by Yovhannes T?lkuranc?i," New Approaches to Medieval Armenian
Language and Literature. ed. J.J.S. Weitenberg (Dutch Studies in Armenian Language and
Literature, 3) Amsterdam & Atlanta: Rodopi, 1995, 63-78.
196. "The Album of Armenian Paleography with Some Pickings from Armenian
Colophons" Gazette du livre médiéval 26 (1995) 8-17.
197. "Colophons in Armenian Manuscripts," Scribi e Colofoni: Le Sottoscrizioni
di Copisti dalle Origini all'Avvento della Stampa ed. E. Condello and G. De Gregorio
(Spoleto: Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo, 1995, 463-471.
198. "A New Edition and Translation of the Questions of Ezra," Solving Riddles
and Untying Knots: J.C. Greenfield Festschrift ed. Z. Zevit, S. Gittin and M. Sokoloff,
Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake, 1995, 293-316.
199. "The Textual Affinities of the Epitome of the Testaments of the Twelve
Patriarchs in Matenadaran No. 2679," Le Muséon 108, 3.4 (1995), 265-277.
200. M.E. Stone, "The Armenian
Apocryphal Literature: Translation and Creation." Il Caucaso: Cerniera fra Culture
dal Mediterraneo alla Persia (Secoli I-XI) (Settimane di Studio dal Centro Italiano de
Studi sull'Alto Medioevo, XLIII; Spoleto: Presso la Sede del Centro, 1996) 612-646.
201. with E. Eshel, "464. 4QExposition on the Patriarchs," DJD 19 Qumran Cave
4.XIV, Oxford, 1996, 213-234.
202. "The Genealogy of Bilhah," Dead Sea Disscoveries 3 (1966), 20-36..
203 with J.C. Greenfield, "The Second Manuscript of Aramaic Levi from Cave 4 at
Qumran (4QArLevib)." Le Muséon 109.1-2 (1996), 1-15
204. "Armenian Printed Bibles in the Collection of the Trask Library, Andover Newton
Theological School," Newsletter of AIEA 24 (1996) 13-16.
205. "The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Pseudepigrapha," Dead Sea Discoveries 3.3
(1996) 270-296.
206. "The Testament of Naphtali," Journal of Jewish Studies 47.2 (1966),
207. with J.C. Greenfield,"The Third and Fourth Manuscripts of Aramaic Levi from Cave
4 at Qumran (4QLevic aram and 4QLevid aram)," Le Muséon 109.3-4 (1996) 345-359.
208. "4QTestament of Naphthali." Qumran Cave 4, XVII, Parabiblical Texts, Part
3. Discoveries in the Judean Desert 22. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996, 73-82.
209. with J.C. Greenfield, "Aramaic Levi Document." Qumran Cave 4, XVII,
Parabiblical Texts, Part 3. D iscoveries in the Judean Desert 22. Oxford: Clarendon Press,
1996, 2-72.
210. "Three Observations on Early Armenian Inscriptions from the Holy Land,"
From Byzantium to Iran: in Honour of Nina Garsoïan, ed. R.W. Thomson et alii., Atlanta:
1996, 417-424.
211. with D. Amit, .................................(The New Armenian Inscriptions from
Jerusalem)." Cathedra 83 (1996) 27-44.
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In Press
211. "The Mixed Erkat?agir-Bolorgir Script,"
Manuscripts of the Middle East (in press)
212. "The New Armenian Inscriptions from Jerusalem," Proceedings of the Tenth
Anniversary Conference of AIEA, ed. B. Coulie. (London: SOAS, in press). 213. "The
Esdras Apocalypses," Introduction to Christian Apocryphal Literature. ed. M.
Himmelfarb and A. Yarboro Collins. Polebridge Press, (in press).
214. review of Bernard Coulie, Répertoire des bibliothèques et des catalogues de
manuscrits arméniens (Corpus Christianorum), Brepols, Turnhout, 1992, xiv+266 pages in Le
215. review of Devora Dimant and Uriel Rappaport, The Dead Sea Scrolls: Forty Years of
Research Brill, Magnes Press and Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi, Leiden and Jerusalem, 1992, Israel
Exploration Journal (in press).
216. review of F. García Martínez, Qumran and Apocalyptic: Studies on the Aramaic Texts
from Qumran, Leiden, 1992. and idem, Textos de Qumrán, Madrid, Editorial Trotta
1992," IEJ .
217. review of John C. Reeves, Jewish Lore in Manichean Cosmogony: Studies in the Book of
Giants Traditions (HUC Monographs, 14), Cincinnati 1992," AJS Review (in press).
218.review of Joseph Naveh and Shaul Shaked, Magical Spells and Formulae: Aramaic
Incantations of Late Antiquity, Jerusalem: The Magnes Press, 1993, Journal of the American
Oriental Society (in press).
219. with J.C. Greenfield, "The Fifth and Sixth Manuscripts of Aramaic Levi from Cave
4 at Qurman (4QLevie aram and 4QLevif aram)," Le Muséon (in press).
220. "Some Further Armenian Angelological Texts," Gagik Sarkissian Festschrift
(in press).
221. "Remarks on the Tenth Anniversary of AIEA," Proceedings of the Tenth
Anniversary Conference of AIEA, ed. B. Coulie. (London: SOAS, in press) .
222. "Adam, Eve and the Incarnation," Proceedings of New York Conference on the
Armenian Bible (in press).
223. "Why Naphtali: An Electronic Discussion." Swiss Jewish Studies Journal (in
224. "Two New Inscriptions from Noravank?" Revue des Etudes Arméniennes (in
225. "Further Armenian Inscriptions from Nazareth," Revue des Etudes
Arméniennes (in press).
- 226.Articles in Encyclopedia of the Dead Sea Scrolls
- a. Amram
- b. Aramaic Levi Document
- c. Levi Figure
- d. Noah Texts
- e. Qahat
227. "The Mount of the Transfiguration and Armenian Pilgrimage to the Galilee."
Shoghakat? (in press).
228. "The Armenian Inscriptions," Report on Excavations of the Third Wall, ed.
D. Amit, and S. Wolf. Jerusalem: Israel Antiquities Authority.
229. "The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Pseudepigrapha," Proceedings of Library of
Congress Symposium on the Dead Sea Scrolls, ed. M. Grunberger, and J. Baumgarten.
(Washington: in press).
230. "The Axis of History at Qumran." Pseudepigraphic Perspectives ed. M.E.
Stone and E. Chazon (Leiden: Brill, in press")
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