Stroumsa, Gedaliahu G. Personal: Born 1948, Paris; Ph.D. 1978, Harvard Univ.; Lect. 1978; Sen. Lect. 1984; Assoc. Prof. 1988; Prof. 1994. Research Interests: Religious trends in Late Antiquity, in particular the relationship between early Christianity, Gnosticism and Judaism. Patristic theology. Religion and philosophy in Late Antiquity. Manichaeism. European attitudes to Eastern religions. Research Projects: 1. Religious revolutions and cultural transformations in
the ancient world: a comparative study. Abstract of Current Research: Religion in Late Antiquity: Current research is devoted to a large-scale study of the self-definition of Christianity in the ancient world, and its evolving relationships with intellectual and spiritual challengers: Judaism, Gnosticism, Manichaeism, Greek philosophy and heretical trends. The major focus of research bears on the radical transformations of anthropological perceptions. Recent Publications: Stroumsa, G.G. (1992) Savoir et salut: traditions juives et tentation dulistes dans le christianisme ancien. Paris, Le Cerf, 404 pp. Stroumsa, G.G. (1992) Moses' riddles: Esoteric trends in patristic hermeneutics. In: Interpretation in Religion (Philosophy and Religon, 2), eds. S. Biedermann and B.A. Scharfstein, Leiden, E.J. Brill, pp.229-248. Gruenwald, I., Shaked, S. and Stroumsa, G.G., eds. (1992) Messiah and Christos: Studies in the Jewish Origins of Christianity (David Flusser Festschrift). Tbingen, J.C.P. Mohr/Paul Siebeck, viii + 240 pp. Stroumsa, G.G. (1992 The Early Christian fish symbol reconsidered. In: Messiah and Christos: Studies in the Jewish Origins of Christianity (David Flusser Festschrift), eds. I. Gruenwald, S. Shaked and G.G. Stroumsa, Tbingen, J.C.P. Mohr/Paul Siebeck, pp.199-205. Stroumsa, G.G. (1992) Herm?neutique biblique et identit?:
l'exemple d'Isaac. Revue Biblique, 99: 529-543. Stroumsa, G.G. (1992) Anti-Cathar polemics and the Liber de duobus principiis. In: Religiongespr?che im Mittelalter (Wolfenb?tteler Mittelalter-Studien 4) Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, pp.169-183. Stroumsa, G.G. (1993) Interiorization and intolerance in Early Christianity. In: Die Erfindung des inneren Menschen (Studien zum Verstehen fremder Religionen, 6), Guttersloh, Mohn, pp.168-182. Stroumsa, G.G. (1993) Le radicalisme religieux du christianisme ancien. In: Retours aux Ecritures, eds. A. Le Boulluec and E. Patlagean, Biblioth?que del l'Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Louvain, Peeters, pp.347-374. Stroumsa, G.G. (1994) Religious transformations and societal changes. In: A World Fit for People, eds. ?. Kirda and L. Silk, New York/London, New York University Press, pp.253-263. Stroumsa, G.G. (1994) A Zoroastrian origin to the Sefirot? In: Irano-Judaica, vol.3, eds. S. Shaked and A. Netzer, Jerusalem, Ben Zvi Institute, pp.17-33. Stroumsa, G.G. (in press) Secret Wisdom: Esotericism and Hermeneutics in Early Christianity (Supplements to Numen). Leiden, E.J. Brill, 200 pp. ? Stroumsa, G.G. and Limor, O. (in press) Contra Judaeos: Ancient and Medieval Polemics Between Christians and Jews. Tbingen, Mohr/Siebeck, pp.s |