The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Cotton, Hannah M.


28 August 1946, Jerusalem.



Personal status:

Married to Ari Paltiel


Two, one son, one daughter.


(972) 2-5335184; 2-5340378 (h)

(972) 2-5883917 (o); mobile: 972-507-215807


(02) 5335184



Home Address:

22 Sheshet Ha’yamim, P.O. Box 1678 Mevasseret Zion 90805, Israel

Work Address:

Department of Classics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 91905, Jerusalem, Israel


Professor in Ancient History and Classics, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem


Coodinator of the Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaeae/Palaestinae (Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Köln)


The Shalom Horowitz Chair in Classics at the Hebrew University

Grants, awards and fellowships

1999-2001                      Three year research grant of the German Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development (G.I.F.) (with B. Isaac, Tel Aviv University and W. Eck, Universität zu Köln).

2001-2005           Four years research grant of the Israel Science Foundation founded by the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities (with B. Isaac, Tel Aviv University)

2002-2003           Leader and fellow of a research group at the Institute for Advanced Studies of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.







Documentary Letters of Recommendation in Latin from the Roman Empire, Beiträge zur klassischen Philologie Heft 132, 1982

Masada II: The Latin and Greek Documents, Israel Exploration Society and the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 1989 (with J. Geiger)

Aramaic, Hebrew and Greek Texts from NaHal Hever and Other Sites with an Appendix Containing Alleged Qumran Texts (The Seiyâl Collection II). Discoveries in the Judaean Desert XXVII, Oxford 1997 (with A. Yardeni)


Books Edited

Fergus Millar, Rome, the Greek World, and the East I: The Roman Republic and the Augustan Revolution (with Guy M. Rogers), North Carolina 2002.

Representations of Empire. Rome and the Mediterranean World, published for the British Academy by OUP (with A.K. Bowman, M.D. Goodman, S.R.F. Price), The British Academy, OUP 2002.

Fergus Millar, Rome, the Greek World, and the East II: Government, Society and Culture in the Roman Empire (with Guy M. Rogers), North Carolina 2004.


Journals edited:


Scripta Classica Israelica Vol. XI, 1991/2  ― XXIV 2005.  


Articles (from 1998):

 ‘The Law of Succession in the Documents from the Judaean Desert Again’, Scripta Classica Israelica 17, 1998 (=Abraham Wasserstein Memorial Volume III), 115-123.

‘XHev/Se ar 13 of 134 or 135: a wife’s renunciation of claims’, Journal of Jewish Studies 49, 1998, 108-18 (with E. Qimron).

‘The Rabbis and the Documents’, The Jews in a Graeco-Roman World, ed. M. Goodman, Oxford 1998, 167-79.

‘The Languages of the Legal and Administrative Documents from the Judaean Desert’, ZPE 125, 1999, 219–231.

‘Eine Bauinschrift unter Marc Aurel und Lucius Verus aus Jericho’, ZPE 127, 1999, 211-15 (With Werner Eck).

‘Corpus Inscriptionum Judaeae/Palaestinae’, ZPE 127, 1999, 307-8 (with L. Di Segni, W. Eck, and B. Isaac).

 ‘The impact of the documentary papyri from the Judaean Desert on the study of Jewish history from 70 to 135 CE’, Jüdische Geschichte in hellenistisch-römischer Zeit. Wege der Forschung: Von alten zu neuen Schürer. Schriften des Historischen Kollegs, ed. A. Oppenheimer, Munich 1999, 221-36.

‘Some Aspects of the Roman Administration of Judaea/Syria-Palaestina’, Lokale Autonomie und römische Ordnungsmacht in den kaiserzeitlichen Provinzen vom 1.-3. Jh. Kolloquien des Historischen Kollegs, ed. W. Eck, Munich 1999, 75-91.

‘Die Papyrusdokumente aus der judäischen Wüste und ihr Beitrag zur Erforschung der jüdischen Geschichte des 1. und 2. Jh. n. Chr.’ ZDPV, 115, 1999, 228-47.

Articles for the Encyclopedia of the Dead Sea Scrolls, eds. L.H. Schiffman and J.C. VanderKam, Oxford 2000: ‘Documentary Texts’; ‘Women in the Documents’; ‘Nahal Hever: Written Material’; ‘Nahal Se’elim: Written Material’; ‘Greek’; ‘Latin’.

‘Marriage Contracts from the Judaean Desert’, Materia Judaica, Bolletino dell’associazione italiana per lo studio del giudaismo, 6, 2000, 2-6.

‘Cassius Dio, Mommsen and the quinquefascales’, Chiron 30, 2000, 217-34.

‘Recht und Wirtschaft. Zur Stellung der jüdischen Frau nach den Papyri aus der judäischen Wüste’, ZNT 6, 2000, 25-30.

‘The Legio VI Ferrata’, in Les légions de Rome sous le Haut-Empire. Actes du Congrès de Lyon (17-20 septembre 1998), Paris 2000 I, 351-57.

‘Ein Gedi between the Two Revolts’, Scripta Classica Israelica 20, 2001, 139-54.

‘Documentary Texts from the Judaean Desert: A Matter of Nomenclature’, Scripta Classica Israelica 20, 2001, 113-19.

‘L’impatto dei papiri documentari del deserto di Giuda sullo studio della storia ebraica dal 70 al 136’ in Gli ebrei nell’impero romano, ed. A. Lewin, Firenze 2001, 217-231.

Governors and their Personnel on Latin Inscriptions from Caesarea Maritima’, in: Proceedings of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities VII 7, 2001, 215-38 (with Werner Eck).

‘Bilingual Funerary Monument from Zoar in the Hecht Museum Collection, Michmanim, 15, 2001, 10-12 (with Jonathan Price).

‘A Bilingual Tombstone from Zo‘ar (Arabia)’, ZPE 134, 2001, 277-83. (with Jonathan Price).

‘Jewish Jurisdiction under Roman Rule: Prolegomena’, Zwischen den Reichen: Neues Testament und Römische Herrschaft. Vorträge auf der Ersten Konferenz der European Association for Biblical Studies, TANZ 36, M. Labahn and J. Zangenberg, eds. Tübingen, 2002, 5-20.

‘The Roman Fasti of Judaea/Syria Palaestina’, in Memorial for Menachem Stern, Jerusalem 2002 (Hebrew), 55-69.

P. Murabba‘At 114 und die Anwesenheit römischer Truppen in den Höhlen des Wadi Murabba‘at nach dem Bar Kochba Aufstand’, ZPE 138, 2002, 173-83 (with Werner Eck).

 ‘Neues zum „Tyrischen Silbergeld“ Herodianischer und Römischer Zeit’, ZPE 139, 2002, 235-250 (with W. Weiser).

‘Arcanum Imperii: The Imperium of Augustus’, Philosophy and Power in the Graeco-Roman World: Essays in Honour of Miriam Griffin, eds. E.G. Clark and T. Rajak, Oxford 2002, 193-209, (with Alexander Yakobson).

‘Women and Law in the Documents from the Judaean Desert’, Le Rôle et le Statut de la Femme en Égypte Hellénistique, Romaine et Byzantine, Proceedings of the International Colloquium held in Brussels and Leuven, 27-29 September 1997, Studia Hellenistica 37, eds. H. Melaerts and L. Mooren, 2002, 123-47.

‘A New Inscription from Caesarea Maritima and the Local Elite of Caesarea Maritima’, What Athens has to do with Jerusalem. Festschrift for Gideon Foerster, ed. L. Rutgers, 2002, 371-87 (with Werner Eck).

‘4Q460/4Q350 and Tampering with Qumran Texts in Antiquity?’ Emanuel. Studies in Hebrew Bible, Septuagint and Dead Sea Scrolls in Honor of Emanuel Tov, eds. Sh.M. Paul, R.A. Kraft, L.H. Shiffman and W.W. Fields, Leiden-Boston 2003, 113-25 (with Erik Larson).

‘The Roman Census in the Papyri from the Judaean Desert and the Egyptian kat∆ oijkivan ajpografhv’, A Climate of Creativity. Papers from a New York University conference marking the retirement of Baruch A. Levine, ed. Lawrence H. Schiffman,Brill, Leiden-Boston 2003, 105-22.

‘The Bar Kokhba Revolt and the Documents from the Judaean Desert: Nabataean Participation in the Revolt (P.Yadin 52)’, in The Bar Kokhba War Reconsidered. Texts and Studies in Ancient Judaism 100, 2003, 133-152.

‘Eine Provinz entsteht: Alte und neue lateinische Inschriften in Iudaea unter Vespasian’, Electrum 7, 2003, ed. E. Dabrowa, 25-37 (with Werner Eck).

‘Survival, Adaptation and Extinction: Nabataean and Jewish Aramaic versus Greek in the Legal Documents from the Cave of Letters in Nahal Hever, Sprache und Kultur in der kaiserzeitlichen Provinz Arabia, Mainzer Althistorische Studien 4, eds. L. Schumacher and  O. Stoll, St. Katharinen 2003, 133-52.

‘”Diplomatics” or External Aspects of the Legal Documents from the Judaean Desert: Prolegomena’, in Rabbinic Law in its Roman and Near Eastern Context, ed. C. Hezser Tuebingen: Mohr-Siebeck 2003, 49-61.

‘Titus Pomponius Bassus, Governor of Judaea and a New Military Diploma from 90 CE’, Israel Museum Studies in Archaeology 2, 2003, 17-31(with Werner Eck and Banjamin Isaac).

‘Lateinische Inschriften aus der Ustinov Collection Oslo und ein Opistograph mit der damnatio memoriae des Kaisers Probus’, in: Orbis Antiqua In honorem Ioannis Pisonis, ed Cristian Gazdac, Cluj-Napoca, Romania: NereamiaNapocae 2004, 48-57 (with Werner Eck)

‘Roman Officials in Iudaea and Arabia and Civil Jurisdiction’, Law in the Documents from the Iudean Desert, eds. R. Katzoff and D. Schaps, Leiden and Boston, 2005, 23-44 (with Werner Eck).

‘Josephus’ Roman Audience? Josephus and the Roman Elites’, Flavius Josephus and Flavian Rome, Oxford 2005, 37-52 (with Werner Eck).

Language Gaps in Roman Palestine and the Roman Near East’, in: Medien der Alltagskultur Realien und kulturelle Kommunikation als Thema der Palästinaarcäologie, ed. Christian Frevel, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck,159-78.


Contributions to Books

 ‘Jericho 16-18; 8Hever 4; 34Se’elim 4-5’ in Miscellaneous Texts from the Judaean Desert, Discoveries in the Judaean Desert XXXVIII, Oxford 2000.

 ‘4Q350’ in Qumran Cave 4 XXVI, Discoveries in the Judaean Desert XXXVIII, Oxford 2000.

‘Greek Letters’ in Yigael Yadin, Jonas C. Greenfield, Ada Yardeni and Baruch Levine, The Documents from the Bar Kokhba Period in the Cave of Letters II, Judean Desert Studies III, Jerusalem 2002.


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