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Rebhun, Uzi [background] [lecture topics] [publications]
Ph.D. from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (1997). Area of specialization is demography and sociology of contemporary Jewry, with special interest in the American Jewish community and the Israeli society. Recipient of the Golda Meir Fellowship, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (1991), and of the H. and Z. Hertz and B. Cohen Prize, Haifa University (1987). Research Interests Research interests include: Jewish international and internal migrations; the Jewish family and intermarriage, Jewish education; Jewish identity; Israel-Diaspora relations; and religious pluralism in Israel. American Jewry: Society, Family and Identity Jewish Life in America in the 21st Century Immigration and Absorption in Israel Religious Pluralism in Israel and Israel-Diaspora Relations * In the U.S. until August 1998 List of Publications a) Papers in Scientific Journals and Conference Proceedings 1) Rebhun, Uzi, and DellaPergola, Sergio. (1998). "The Sociodemographic and Jewish Identity Context of Mixed Marriage among Jews in the United States". in: Bartal, I. and Gafni, I. M. (eds.) The Family, Jerusalem: The Zalman Shazar Center for Jewish History and The Historical Society of Israel (forthcoming, in Hebrew). 2) Rebhun, Uzi, DellaPergola, Sergio and Tolts, Mark. (1998). "American Jewry: A Population Projection, 1990-2020". in: Farber, R. R. and Waxman, C. I. (eds.) Jews in 21st Century America: A Sociological Reader, University of New England Press (forthcoming). 3) DellaPergola, Sergio, Rebhun, Uzi and Raicher, Rosa P. (1998). "The Six-Day War and Israel-Diaspora Relations: An Analysis of Quantitative Indicators". In: Avni, H., Lederhendler, E. And Shimoni, G. (eds.) The Six-Day War and World Jewry, The University of Maryland Press (forthcoming). 4) Rebhun, Uzi. (1997). "Changing Patterns of Internal Migration 1970-90: A Comparative Analysis of Jews and Whites in the United States." Demography, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 213-223. 5) Rebhun, Uzi. (1997). "Similarities and Dissimilarities in National and Community Surveys: The Case of American Jews". In: DellaPergola, S. and Even J. (eds.) Papers in Jewish Demography 1993, Jewish Population Studies, Vol. 27. The Harman Institute of Contemporary Jewry, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, pp. 55-78. 6) DellaPergola, Sergio, and Rebhun, Uzi. (1997). "Sociodemographic Aspects and Identificational Patterns of Sephardic and Ashkenazic Jews in the United States in 1990". in: Abitbol, M.; Assis, Y.; and Chazan-Rokem, G. (eds.) Hispano-Jewish Civilization After 1492: Proceedings of Misgav Yerushalyim's Fourth International Congress, 1992. Jerusalem: Misgav Yerushalyim, pp. 105-135 (in Hebrew). 7) DellaPergola, Sergio, Bassan, Esther, Rebhun, Uzi and Sagi, Dalia. (1997). "A Census of Jewish Schools in the Former Soviet Union for 1993/94 School Year". Journal of Jewish Education, Vol. 63, No. 1-2, pp. 20-30. 8) Rebhun, Uzi. (1996). Descriptive Statistics: Organizing and Describing Data. Jerusalem: The Israel Ministry of Education and Culture; and the School of Education, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 96 pp. (in Hebrew). 9) Rebhun, Uzi. (1995). "Geographic Mobility and Religioethnic Identification: Three Jewish Communities in the U.S.". Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 485-498. 10) Rebhun, Uzi. (1995)."The Distancing of the Jewish Community from its Institutions: The Case of Jewish Schools". Journal for Jewish Communal Service, Vol. 71, No. 2/3 (Winter/Spring issue), pp. 221-233. 11) Rebhun, Uzi. (1994). "Jewish Continuity in the United States: Beyond Mixed Marriages". Kivunim: The Journal of Zionism and Judaism, Vol.7, pp. 43-49 (in Hebrew). An English version appeared in: Midstream, 1995, December issue, pp. 10-11 . 12) Rebhun, Uzi. (1993). "The Community of Residence as an Explanatory Variable of Jewish Identity in the United States". Yahadut Zemanenu: A Research Annual, Vol. 8, pp. 301-336 (in Hebrew). 13) Rebhun, Uzi. (1993). "Trends in the Size of American Jewish Denominations: A Renewed Evaluation". CCAR Journal: A Reform Jewish Quarterly, Winter issue, pp. 1-11. 14) Rebhun, Uzi. (1992). "Where Shall the Immigrants be Settled - Clash of Theories". Environmental Planning: The Israeli Association for Environmental Planning Quarterly, No. 46-47, pp. 59-69 (in Hebrew). 15) Rebhun, Uzi. (1990). "Changes in the Geographical Distribution of the Israeli
Population in 1972-1983". Horizons: Studies in Geography, No. 30, pp. 21-46 (in
Hebrew). b) Book Reviews 16) Rebhun, Uzi. (1992). "The Ethnic Dimension in the Israeli Society - Continuity and Change". Yahadut Zemanenu: A Research Annual, Vol. 8, pp. 391-397 (in Hebrew). Review on: Schmelz, U.O.; DellaPergola, S.; and Avner, U. Ethnic Differences Among Israeli Jews: A New Look, Jewish Population Studies, Vol. 22, 1991. 17) Rebhun, Uzi. (1993). Review on: Dashefsky, A.; DeAmicis, J.; Lazerwitz, B.; and Tabory, E. "Americans Abroad: A Comparative Study of Emigrants from the United States". Plenum Press, New York and London, 1992. Studies in Contemporary Jewry, Vol. 9, pp. 311-313. |