The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Wistrich, Robert Solomon (1945-2015)

Personal: Born 1945, Lenger (Kazakstan); Ph.D. 1974, Univ. of London; Lect. 1979; Visiting Sen. Lect. 1980; Sen. Lect. 1982; Assoc. Prof. 1985; Prof. 1990.

Research Interests:

The history of antisemitism. Modern Jewish history in the 19th and 20th centuries; Jewish radicalism. Anti-Zionism. The Jews of the Habsburg Empire. Nationalism and racism in contemporary Europe; the Dreyfus Affair. Nazism and neo-Nazism.

Research Projects:

1. The Jewish world since 1900.

2. The historical meaning and reception of the Dreyfus Affair.

Recent Publications:

Wistrich, R. (1991) Antisemitism: The Longest Hatred. London, Thames, Methuen Press, and New York, Pantheon, 1992, 341 pp.

Wistrich, R., ed. (1992) Austrians and Jews in the 20th Century: From Franz Joseph to Waldheim. London/New York, Macmillan, 275 pp.

Wistrich, R. (1992) Eduard Bernsteins Einstellung zum Judentum. In: Juden in der deutschen Arbeiterbewegung, eds. L. Heid and A. Paucker, Tbingen, J.C.B. Mohr, pp.146-166.

Wistrich, R. (1992) Socialism and Judeophobia - Antisemitism in Europe before 1914. Leo Baeck Yearbook, 37: 111-145.

Wistrich, R. (1993) Juifs r?volutionnaires et sionistes (1881-1914). In: La soci?t? juive ? travers les ages, vol.4, ed. S. Trigano, Paris, Fayard, pp.445-465.

Wistrich, R. (1993) Antisemitism in Europe since the Holocaust. American Jewish Yearbook, 93: 122-142.

Wistrich, R. (1993) Jewish intellectuals and mass politics in Austria. Partisan Review, 1: 51-62.

Wistrich, R.S. (1994) Zionism and its religious critics in Vienna at the end of the 19th century. In: Zionism and Religion, eds. S. Almog et al., Jerusalem, The Zalman Shazar Center, pp.167-189 (Hebrew).

Wistrich, R.S. (1994) The return of history: Revival of nationalism. Nativ; A Journal of Politics and the Arts (Tel Aviv), pp.57-62. (Hebrew).

Wistrich, R.S. (1994) The Jews and nationality conflicts in Habsburg lands. Nationalities Papers (New York), 22: 119-140.

Wistrich, R.S., ed. (1995) Terms of Survival: The Jewish World Since 1945. London, Routledge, xvii + 461 pp.

Wistrich, R.S. (1995) Max Nordau and the Dreyfus Affair. Journal of Israeli History, 16(1): 1-17.

Wistrich, R.S. (1995) Radical antisemitism in France and Germany (1840-1880). Modern Judaism, 15: 109-135.

Wistrich, R.S. (1995) Weekend in Munich: Art, Propaganda and Terror in the Third Reich. London, Pavilion Press, 176 pp.

Wistrich, R.S. (1995) Who's Who in Nazi Germany. Second edition. London, Routledge, x + 296 pp.

Wistrich, R. and DellaPergola, S., eds. (1995) Fascist Antisemitism and the Italian Jews. Jerusalem, Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitism and the Harman Institute of Contemporary Jewry, 96 pp.

Wistrich, R.S. and Ohana, D. (1995) The Shaping of Israeli Identity: Myth, Memory and Trauma. London, Frank Cass, xiii + 239 pp.

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