Personal: Born 1950,
Los Angeles; D.Phil. 1980, Univ. of Oxford; Teaching Fellow 1980; Lect. 1982; Sen. Lect.
1986; Assoc. Prof. 1992.
Research Interests:
The campaign for free trade, early 19th
century. Military history: Palestine in the 1940s.
Research Projects:
History of the Israeli War of
Independence. Funding: Galili Center, Ramat Eph`al.
Key words: Corn Laws,
Great Britain; free trade, Great Britain; Anti-Corn Law League; military history,
Palestine; Israeli War of Independence; Israeli army
Recent Publications:
Kadish, A. (1989) Historians,
Economists and Economic History. London, Routledge, xii + 297 pp.
Kadish, A. and Tribe, K., eds. (1993) The
Market for Political Economy: The Advent of Economics in British University Culture,
1850-1905. London, Routledge, 255 pp.
Kadish, A. (1995) To Arms and Farms:
The Hakhsharot in the Palmach. Tel Aviv, Galili Center, Tag Publishers, 304 pp.
Kadish, A., ed. (1996) The Corn
Laws: The Formation of Popular Economics in Britain. London, William Pickering, 6