Tsafrir, Yoram 1938-2015
Born 1938, Kfar Azar (Israel); Ph.D. 1976, Hebrew Univ.; Lect. 1976; Sen. Lect. 1978;
Assoc. Prof. 1981; Prof. 1987.
Research Interests:
Archaeology of Palestine in the Hellenistic-Roman and Byzantine periods. Onomasticon of Eretz Israel in the Greek and Roman sources.
Research Projects:
Onomasticon of Eretz Israel: compilation for publication. Funding: Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities.
2. Maps of the Provincia Palaestina for the Tabula Imperii Romani: Part of the international project, Map of the Roman Empire, initiated by the Union Academique Internationale. Funding: Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities.
Abstracts of Current Research:
Onomasticon of Eretz Israel:
The aim of this project is to compile and prepare for publication a complete annotated collection of sites (including their geographical names, settlements and tribes) mentioned in the Greek and Roman sources (including inscriptions and coins), from the Hellenistic period to the Muslim conquest. Sources will be published in the Greek and Latin, together with Hebrew, and later English, translation. (This research was initiated by the late Prof. M. Avi-Yonah.)
Excavations at Rehovot-in-the-Negev: (with Prof. K.G. Holum, Univ. of Maryland)
Excavations were conducted at this Nabatean-Byzantine city in the Negev. Parts of the city researched include churches, the residential quarter and cemetery. The findings are being prepared for publication. Excavations of Roman, Byzantine and Early Arab Bet Shean (Scythopolis): (Joint Director: G. Foerster) We are currently engaged in the discovery and reconstruction of the largest ancient city in northern Israel. The excavations are concentrated in the civic center, and have uncovered such colossal remains as column streets, a temple, basilica, shops, amphitheater, public monuments, etc., which are studied from their foundation in the Roman period up to the areass desolation in the medieval period.