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Amihai (Emeritus) The Institute of
Archaeology CURRICULUM VITAE Born in Haifa, Israel,
19.11.1942 Academic education:
Academic positions:
Academic duties
Positions abroad
Director of archaeological projects
List of Publications (not including most Hebrew papers which appeared in English versionl updated July 7 2004) A. BOOKS 1. Excavations at Tell Qasile, Part One. The Philistine Sanctuary: Architecture and Cult Objects (Qedem 12). Jerusalem 1981. 2. Excavations at Tell Qasile, Part Two. Various Finds, The Pottery, Conclusions, Appendices (Qedem 20). Jerusalem 1985. 3. Archaeology of the Land of the Bible (ca. 10000-586 B.C.E.). New York 1990. 4. Timnah – A Biblical Town in the Sorek Valley. Winona Lake 1995 (with G. L. Kelm). 5. Timnah (Tel Batash) I: Stratigraphy and Architecture (Qedem 37). Jerusalem 1997. 6. Timnah (Tel Batash) II: The Finds from the First Millennium BCE (Qedem 42). Jerusalem 2001 (with N. Panitz-Cohen). In press: 7. Excavations at Tel Beth Shean 1989 -1996, Volume I. Jerusalem. (editor) 8. Timnah (Tel Batash) III: The Finds from the Second Millennium BCE (Qedem). Jerusalem forthcoming (editor with N. Panitz-Cohen).
B. ARTICLES 1. Excavations at Tell Qasile, 1971-1972 (Preliminary Report). Israel Exploration Journal 23 (1973): 65-71. 2. A Philistine Temple at Tell Qasile. Biblical Archaeologist 36 (1973): 42-48. 3. The Water Supply. Pp. 253-262 in: Jerusalem. Jerusalem 1973 (with M. Avi-Yonah). 4. Archaeological Survey in the Northern Bashan. Israel Exploration Journal 24 (1974): 173-184 (with others). 5. Tell Qasile Excavations 1973: Preliminary Report; the Cult Objects from the Temple. Museum Haaretz Bulletin 15/16 (1974): 56-67. 6. Excavations at Tell Qasile 1973-1974 (Preliminary Report). Israel Exploration Journal 25 (1975): 15-26. 7. The Aqueducts of Jerusalem. Pp. 79-84 in: Y. Yadin (ed.), Jerusalem Revealed. Jerusalem 1975. 8. Iron Age Burial Caves North of the Damascus Gate, Jerusalem. Israel Exploration Journal 26 (1976): 1-8. 9. Additional Philistine Temples at Tell Qasile. Biblical Archaeologist 40 (1977): 82-87. 10. Water for Jerusalem. Kidma 3 (1977): 20-24. 11. Giloh – An Early Israelite Site in the Vicinity of Jerusalem. Israel Exploration Journal 31 (1981): 1-36. 12. The Philistine Sanctuary at Tell Qasile. Pp. 105-107 in: A. Biran (ed.), Temples and High Places in Biblical Times (Hebrew Union College Colloquium, March 14-16, 1977), Jerusalem 1981. 13. Three Seasons of Excavations at Tel Batash (Timnah), Preliminary Report. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 248 (1982): 1-36 (with G. L. Kelm) 14. Three Israelite Sites in the Hills of Judah and Ephraim. Biblical Archaeologist 45 (1982): 167-178. 15. Khirbet Abu et-Twein: An Israelite Fortress in the Hebron Hills. Palestine Exploration Quarterly 114 (1982): 87-109. 16. Israeli Archaeology. World Archaeology 13 (1982): 310-325 (with O. Bar-Yosef). 17. The “Bull Site”: An Iron Age I Open Cult Place. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 247 (1982): 27-42. 18. Survey of the Jerusalem Aqueducts. Leichtweiss Institut für Wasserbau, der Technischen Universität Braunschweig, Mitteilungen 73 (1983):1-18. 19. Bronze Bull Found in Israelite “High Place” from the Time of the Judges. Biblical Archaeology Review 9:5 (1983): 34-40. 20. Archaeological Research on the Period of the Monarchy (Iron Age II). Pp. 43-58 in: H. Shanks and B. Mazar (eds.), Recent Archaeology in the Land of Israel. Washington 1984. 21. Tell Batash (Timnah) Excavations, Second Preliminary Report (1981-1983), Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research Supplement (1985): 93-120 (with G. L. Kelm). 22. The Israelite Settlement in Canaan in the Light of Archaeological Surveys. Pp. 61-71 in: Biblical Archaeology Today, Proceedings of the International Congress on Biblical Archaeology (Jerusalem, April 1984). Jerusalem 1985. 23. The Emergence of the Philistine Culture. Israel Exploration Journal 35 (1985): 95-107. 24. Pottery Plaques Depicting Goddesses in a Temple Facade. Michmanim (Bulletin of the Reuben Hecht Archaeological Museum, Haifa) 2 (1985): 5-18. 25. Notes on the Israelite Fortress at Arad. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 263 (1986): 87-91 (with E. Netzer). 26. Excavations at Tell Qasile, 1982-1984, Preliminary Report. Israel Exploration Journal 36 (1986): 1-15. 27. A Note on Canaanite Jars from Enkomi. Israel Exploration Journal 38 (1988): 224-226. 28. 7th century B.C.E. Olive Presses at Tel Batash, Biblical Timnah. Pp. 121-125 in: M. Helzer and D. Eitam (eds.), Olive Oil in Antiquity. Haifa 1987. 29. Israeli Archaeologists. Pp. 109-128 in: J. F. Drinkard, G. L. Mattingly and M. J. Miller (eds.), Benchmarks in Time and Culture, Essays in Honor of J. A. Callaway. Atlanta 1988. 30. Excavating in Samson Country – Philistines and Israelites at Tel Batash. Biblical Archaeology Review 15:1 (1989): 36-49 (with G. L. Kelm). 31. Some Aspects of the “Sea Peoples” Settlement. Pp. 251-260 in: M. Heltzer and E. Lipinski (eds.), Society and Economy in the Eastern Mediterranean (c. 1500- 1000 B.C.) (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 23), Leuven 1988. 32. Iron Age I and II Towers at Giloh and the Israelite Settlement. Israel Exploration Journal 40 (1990): 77-101. 33. Excavations at Tel Batash (Timnah), 1984-1988 (Third Preliminary Report). Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research Supplement 27 (1990): 47-67 (with G. L. Kelm). 34. Des origines au temps de David. Pp. 24-31 in: J. Perrot (ed.), Jerusalem, 5000 ans d'histoire: Les Dossiers d'Archéologie 165-166 (1991) [English edition: The Beginnings. Pp. 24-31 in: J. Perrot (ed.), Jerusalem, 5000 Years of History. Special issue of Les Dossiers d'Archéologie (1992)]. 35. Sanctuaires et temples en Canaan. Pp. 1258-1286 in: Supplément au Dictionnaire de la Bible, Tome onzième, Paris 1991. 36. Comments on the Nature of the Relations between Cyprus and Palestine during the 12th-11th Centuries B.C. Pp. 95-104 in: V. Karageorghis (ed.), The Civilizations of the Aegean and their Diffusion in Cyprus and the Eastern Mediterranean 2000-600 B.C. (Proceedings of an International Symposium). Larnaca 1991. 37. The Iron Age I Period. Pp. 258-301 in: A. Ben-Tor (ed.), The Archaeology of Ancient Israel. New Haven 1992. 38. Temples of the Middle and Late Bronze Ages and the Iron Age. Pp. 161-189 in: A. Kempinski and R. Reich (eds.), The Architecture of Ancient Israel. Jerusalem 1992. 39. Tombs of the Roman Period at Caesarea. ‘Atiqot 21 (1992): 105-108. 40. The Excavations at Tel Beth Shean in 1989-1990. Pp. 606-619 in: A. Biran and J. Aviram (eds.), Biblical Archaeology Today 1990, Proceedings of the Second International Congress on Biblical Archaeology. Jerusalem 1993. 41. The Northern Necropolis of Jerusalem during the First Temple Period. Pp. 119-127 in: H. Geva (ed.), Ancient Jerusalem Revealed 2. Jerusalem 1993 (with G. Barkai and A. Kloner). 42. Beth Shean in the Iron Age: Preliminary Report and Conclusions of the 1990-1991 Excavations. Israel Exploration Journal 43 (1993): 201-229. 43. Jerusalem and its Vicinity in Iron Age I. Pp. 70-91 in: I. Finkelstein and N. Na’aman (eds.), From Nomadism to Monarchy. Jerusalem 1994. 44. The Northern Shephelah in the Iron Age: Some Issues in Biblical History and Archaeology. Pp. 247-267 in: M. D. Coogan, J. C. Exum and L. E. Stager (eds.), Scripture and Other Artifacts (Essays in Honor of Philip J. King). Louisville 1994. 45. The 11th Century BCE in Palestine. In V. Karageorghis (ed.), Proceedings of the International Colloquium: Cyprus in the 11th Century B.C. Nicosia 1994: 39-58. 46. Fortifications of Cities. Pp. 1523-1538 in: J. Sasson (ed.), Civilizations of the Ancient Near East, Vol. III. New York 1995. 47. Excavations at the Israelite Town at Khirbet Marjameh in the Hills of Ephraim. Israel Exploration Journal 45 (1995): 85-117. 48. Khurvat Shilha: An Iron Age Site in the Judean Desert. Pp. 193-212 in: J. D. Seger (ed.), Retrieving the Past: Essays on Archaeological Research and Methodology in Honor of G. Van Beek. Winona Lake 1996 (with D. Amit and Z. Ilan). 49. Final Reports: What They Should Include. Pp. 23-32 in: H. Shanks (ed.), Archaeology’s Publication Problem. Washington D.C. 1996. 50. Hartuv: an Aspect of the Early Bronze I Culture of Southern Israel. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 302 (1996): 1-40 (with P. de Miroschedji). 51. Area P. Pp. 353-386 in: A. Ben Tor, R. Bonfil, Y. Garfinkel, R. Greenberg, A. Maier and A. Mazar, Hazor V. Jerusalem 1997. 52. Iron Age Chronology: A Reply to I. Finkelstein. Levant 29 (1997): 157-167. 53. Four Thousand Years of History at Tel Beth Shean: An Account of the Renewed Excavations. Biblical Archaeologist 60 (1997): 62-76. 54. The Excavations at Beth Shean during the Years 1989-94. Pp. 144-164 in: N. A. Silberman and D. Small (eds.), The Archaeology of Israel (Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement Series 237). Sheffield 1997. 55. On the Appearance of Red Slip in the Iron Age I Period in Israel. Pp. 368-378 in: S. Gitin, A. Mazar and E. Stern (eds.), Mediterranean Peoples in Transition: Thirteenth to Early Tenth Centuries BCE. Jerusalem 1998. 56. The Conservation and Management of Mudbrick Buildings at Tell Qasile, Israel. Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites 3 (1999): 103-108. 57. The 1997-1998 Excavations at Tel Rehov: Preliminary Report. Israel Exploration Journal 49 (1999):1-42. 58. The “Bull Site” and the “‘Einun Pottery” Reconsidered. Palestine Exploration Quarterly 131 (1999): 144-148. 59. Will Tel Rehov save the United Monarchy? Biblical Archaeology Review 26:2 (2000): 38-51 (with J. Camp). 60. The Temples and Cult of the Philistines. Pp. 213-232 in: E. D. Oren (ed.), The Sea Peoples and Their World: A Reassessment. Philadelphia 2000. 61. Jerusalem's Water Supply in the First Temple Period. Pp. 195-232 in: S. Ahituv and Mazar (eds.), The History of Jerusalem – The Biblical Period. Jerusalem 2000 (in Hebrew). 62. The Early Bronze II-III at Tel Beth Shean: Preliminary Observations. Pp. 255-278 in: G. Philip and D. Baird (eds.), Ceramics and Change in the Early Bronze Age of the Southern Levant, (Levantine Archaeology 2). Sheffield 2000 (with A. Ziv and A. Cohen). 63. The Archaeological Agenda in Israel: Past Sins and Future Atonement. Pp. 23-32 in : S. Hadjisavvas and V. Karageorghis (eds.), The Problem of Unpublished Excavations. Nicosia 2000. 64. A Sacred Tree in the Chalcolithic Shrine at En Gedi: A Suggestion. Bulletin of the Anglo -Israel Archaeological Society 18 (2000): 31-36. 65. Untersuchungen über die Wasserleitungen nach Jerusalem. Pp. 165-194 in: G. Garbrecht, Wasser in Heiligen Land. Mainz 2001. 66. Beth Shean during the Iron Age II: Stratigraphy, Chronology and Hebrew Ostraca. Pp. 289-309 in: A. Mazar (ed.), Studies in the Archaeology of the Iron Age in Israel and Jordan (Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement Series No. 331). Sheffield 2001. 67. Radiocarbon Dates from Iron Age Strata at Tel Beth Shean and Tel Rehov. Radiocarbon 43:3 (2001): 1333-1342 (with I. Carmi). 68. The Significance of the Granary Building at Beth Yerah. Pp. 447-464 in: S. R. Wolff (ed.), Studies in the Archaeology of Israel and Neighboring Lands in Memory of Douglas L. Esse. Chicago 2001. 69. Megiddo in the Thirteenth-Eleventh Centuries BCE: A Review of Some Recent Studies. Pp. 264-282 in: E. D. Oren and S. Ahituv (eds.), Studies in Archaeology and Related Disciplines, Aharon Kempinski Memorial Volume (Beer Sheba XV). Beer Sheba 2002. 70. The Aqueducts of Jerusalem. Pp. 211-244 in: D. Amit, J. Patrich and Y. Hirschfeld (eds.), The Aqueducts of Israel (Journal of Roman Archaeology, Supplement Series). Rhode Island 2002. 71. 14C Dates from Tel Rehov: Iron Age Chronology, Pharaohs, and Hebrew Kings. Science Vol. 300, No. 5617, (11 April 2003): 315-318 (with H. Bruins and J. Van der Plicht). 72. Three 10th-9th Century B.C.E. Inscriptions from Tel Rehov. Pp. 171-184 in: C. G. den Hertog, U. Hübner and S. Münger (eds.), Saxa loquentur: Studien zur Archäologie Palästinas/Israels. Festschrift für Volkmar Fritz zum 65. Geburtstag (Alter Orient und Altes Testament 302), Münster 2003. 73. Beth Shean in the Second Millennium B.C.E.: From Canaanite Town to Egyptian Stronghold. Pp. 323-340 in: M. Bietak (ed.). The Synchronisation of Civilization in the Eastern Mediterranean in the Second Millennium B.C. II: Proceedings of the SCIEM 2000 – EuroConference, Haindorff, 2nd of May–7th of May 2001. Vienna 2003. 74. Greek Pottery from Tel Rehov and Iron Age Chronology. Israel Exploration Journal 53 (2003): 29-48 (with N. Coldstream). 75. Remarks on Biblical Traditions and Archaeological Evidence Concerning Early Israel. Pp. 85-98 in: W. G. Dever and S. Gitin (eds.), Symbiosis, Symbolism and the Power of the Past: Canaan. Winona Lake 2002. 76. Greek and Levantine Iron Age Chronology: A Rejoinder. Israel Exploration Journal. 54 (2004): 24-36.
In press: 77. Tel Rehov: The Contribution of the Excavations to the Study of the Iron Age in Northern Israel. 2 ICAANE Proceedings Winnona Lake 2004. 78. Ritual Dancing in the Iron Age. Near Eastern Archaeology (2004). 79. Ashdod, Area H, The Stratigraphy and Architecture (Strata XV-X). In: M. Dothan and D. Ben-Shlomo, Ashdod VI, Excavation of Areas H-K (Israel Antiquities Authority Monograph Series). Jerusalem 2005. 80. “Mycenaean IIIC" and Related Pottery from Beth Shean. In: A. E. Killebrew, G.Lehman and M.Artzy, (editors), The Philistines and Other “Sea Peoples” in Text and Archaeology (with S. Sherratt). Leiden 2005. 81. Contributions to the Study of Early Bronze Age Public Architecture: Tel Beth Shean and Tel Rehov. In: J. Margueron, P. de Miroschedji and J. P. Thalaman (eds.), 3 ICAANE Proceedings. Winona Lake 2005. 82. The End of the 2nd Millennium BCE and the Transition from Iron I to Iron IIA: Radiocarbon dates from Tel Rehov, Israel (with H. Bruins and J. van der Plicht). Submitted to: M. Bietak (ed.), The Synchronisation of Civilization in the Eastern Mediterranean in Second Millennium B.C. II: Proceedings of the SCIEM 2003 – EuroConference. Vienna 2005 (?). 83. Myc IIIC in the Land of Israel: Its Distribution, Date and Significance. Submitted to: M. Bietak (ed.), The Synchronisation of Civilization in the Eastern Mediterranean in Second Millennium B.C. II: Proceedings of the SCIEM 2003 – EuroConference. Vienna 2005 (?). 84. Tel Beth Shean and the Fate of Mounds in the Intermediate Bronze Age (EB IV). Volume in honor of W. G. Dever. Winnona Lake,
85. The Local Pottery of the Iron Age Ib in
Israel. In: S. Gitin (ed.), The Ancient Pottery of
Israel and its Neighbors. Jerusalem 2006
In preparation: Mazar, A. The Debate over the Chronology of the Iron Age in the Southern Levant: its History, the Current Situation and a Suggested Resolution. In: T.Levy and T.Higham (editors), Radiocarbon dating and the Iron Age of the Southern Levant. Proceedings of a Conference at Yarntom Manor, Oxford. London. azar, A., Bruins, H., Panitz-Cohen, N., and van der Plicht, J. in press. Tel Rehov: Stratigraphy, Pottery and radiocarbon dates of the Iron Age I-IIA Strata. In: In: T.Levy and T.Higham (editors), Radiocarbon dating and the Iron Age of the Southern Levant. Proceedings of a Conference at Yarntom Manor, Oxford. London. Hebrew papers not translated into English 86. Cylinder Seals of the Middle Bronze and Late Bronze Ages in Eretz Israel. Qadmoniot XI 91978) 6-14. 87. The Excavations at Tell Qasile from 1988 to 1991. Israel – People and Land 1990-1993 (Eretz Israel Museum Year Book) 7-8 (1994): 9-34 (with S. Harpazi-Ofer). 88. Jerusalem’s Water Supply in the First Temple Period. Pp. 195-232 in: A. Ahituv and A. Mazar (eds.), The History of Jerusalem – The Biblical Period. Jerusalem 2000. 89 The Excavations at Tel Rehov and their Significance for the Study of the Iron Age in Israel. Eretz Israel 27 (2003) 143-160.
C. ARTICLES IN ENCYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES 1. Qasile, Tell. Pp. 587-597 in: Supplément au Dictionnaire de la Bible, Fasc. 50B, Paris 1977. 2. Tell Qasile. Pp. 969-975 in: Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land, Vol. IV, Jerusalem 1979. 3. The Anchor Bible Dictionary (ed. D. N. Freedman). New York 1992. Abu et-Twein, Khirbet (Vol. I: 46); Batashi, Tell el- (Vol. I: 625-626); Giloh (Vol. II: 1027-1028); Marjamah, Khirbet el- (Vol. IV: 540-541); Qasile, Tell (Vol. V: 577). 4. The New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land (ed. E. Stern). Jerusalem-New York 1993. Abu Twein, Khirbet (Vol. 1: 15-16); Batash, Tel (Timnah) (Vol. 1:152-157); Beth Shean (Tel) (Vol. 1: 214-223); “Bull Site” (Vol. 1: 266-267); Giloh (Vol. 2: 519-520); Hartuv (Vol. 2: 584-585) (with P. de Miroschedji); Marjameh, Khirbet (Vol. 3: 965-966); Qasile, Tell (Area C) (Vol. 4: 1207-1212); Shilha, Horbat (Vol. 4: 1364) (with Z. Ilan and D. Amit). 5. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near East (ed. E. M. Meyers). New York 1997. Batash, Tel (Vol. 1: 281-282); Beth Shean (Vol. 1: 305-309); Bull Site (Vol. 1: 383-384); Giloh (Vol. 2: 406); Hartuv (Vol. 2: 476); History of the Field: Archaeology in Israel (Vol. 3: 47-51); Qasile, Tell (Vol. 4: 373-376); Palestine: Palestine in the Iron Age (Vol. 4: 217-222).
D. EDITED BOOKS AND JOURNALS Qadmoniot (Hebrew; editor 1994-1999). Mediterranean Peoples in Transition. Jerusalem 1988 (with S. Gitin and E. Stern). The History of Jerusalem – The Biblical Period. Jerusalem 2000 (with S. Ahituv; in Hebrew). Studies in the Archaeology of the Iron Age in Israel and Jordan (Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement Series No. 331). Sheffield 2001. The Controversy over the Historicity of the Bible. Jerusalem 2001 (with L. Levine; in Hebrew).
E. SHORT REPORTS 1. Reports in “Notes and News”, Israel Exploration Journal (IEJ): Tel Maaravim. IEJ 24 (1974): 269-270 (with E. D. Oren). Khirbet Abu et-Twein. IEJ 24 (1974): 276. Khirbet Marjamah (‘Ain Samieh). IEJ 26 (1976): 138-139. Tel Batash, 1977. IEJ 27 (1977): 167-168 (with G. L. Kelm). Tel Batash, 1978. IEJ 29 (1979): 195-196 (with G. L. Kelm). Tel Batash, 1979. IEJ 29 (1979): 241-243 (with G. L. Kelm). Tel Batash, 1981. IEJ 32 (1982): 153-154 (with G. L. Kelm). Tel Batash, 1982. IEJ 33 (1983): 126 (with G. L. Kelm). Tel Batash, 1983. IEJ 33 (1983): 269-271 (with G. L. Kelm). Tel Batash, 1984. IEJ 35 (1985): 200-201 (with G. L. Kelm). Tel Batash, 1985. IEJ 36 (1986): 107-109 (with G. L. Kelm). Hartuv, 1985. IEJ 36 (1986): 109 (with P. de Miroschedji). Tel Batash, 1986. IEJ 37 (1987): 59-60 (with G. L. Kelm). Hartuv, 1986. IEJ 38 (1988): 84 (with P. de Miroschedji). Hartuv, 1988. IEJ (1989): 110-112 (with P. de Miroschedji). Tel Batash, 1987-1988. IEJ 39 (1989): 108-110 (with G. L. Kelm).
2. Reports in Excavations and Surveys in Israel (ESI) Tel Beth She’an,1989-1991. ESI 11 (1991). Tel Beth She’an, 1992-1993. ESI 14 (1994): 56-60. Tel Beth She’an, 1994-1996. ESI (1998) 18: 43-47. Tel Rehov, 1997. ESI 109 (1999): 42*-43*. Tel Rehov, 1998-2001. ESI 114 (2002): 38*-40*.
3. Reports in “Chronique Archéologique”, Revue Biblique (RB) Tell Qasile. Chronique Archéologique. RB 80 (1973): 412-415. Tel Batash. Chronique Archéologique. RB 85 (1978): 94-96. Tel Batash. Chronique Archéologique. RB 91 (1984): 410-420 (with G. L. Kelm).
F. REVIEWS 1. K. Kenyon, Royal Cities of the Old Testament (London 1971). Israel Exploration Journal 22 (1972): 255-256. 2. D. Collon, The Seal Impressions from Tell Atchana/Alalakh (Neukirchen-Vluyn 1978). Israel Exploration Journal 31 (1981): 135-136. 3. W. E. Rast, Taanach I, Studies in the Iron Age Pottery (Cambridge, Mass. 1978). Bulletin of the Institute of Archaeology, University of London VI (1982): 291-292. 4. I. Finkelstein, The Archaeology of the Israelite Settlement (Jerusalem 1988). Jewish Quarterly Review 81 (1991): 471-474.
G. VARIA 1. Does Amihai Mazar Agree with Finkelstein’s “Low Chronology”? Biblical Archaeology Review 29:2 (2003): 60-61. 2. Response to Comment on “14C Dates from Tel Rehov: Iron-Age Chronology, Pharaohs and Hebrew Kings”. Science 302, October 24th, 2003: 568c (with H. J. Bruins and H. van der Plicht). |